Chapter 26

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Dipper was still blushing deeply. He was taking deep breaths to try and calm himself down until a familiar black and navy blue haired female came into the room. He silently watched her as she came over and sat down on the bed next to him. Then, she pulled out a small glass bottle filled with a clear liquid from her pocker.
"Here, take this. It'll get rid of your blush and calm you down," she said, handing him the bottle. Dipper looked at the bottle, then looked at her and chugged it. After he finished his heart slowed down and his face didn't feel as warm. He handed her back the bottle and sighed.
"Thank you, Shadow," he said.
"No problem Dipper," she said, crushing the bottle in her hand and making it disappear. It was silent between them for a bit, until Dipper spoke up.
"So, why are you here exactly?" He asked her. Shadow sighed.
"Your family are finding their way back," she answered. Dipper's heart seemed to skip a beat.
"They are?!" He said, excited. Shadow simply nodded. But before Dipper could say anything else she spoke up.
"Bill really does love you, Dipper. He just has a weird way of showing it. But the real question is, do you love him back?" She asked. Dipper stopped. Did he love Bill? He was still mad at him for taking Dipper away from his family, but most of the thoughts he had of Bill weren't about hating him. Eventually he answered.
"I don't know," he sighed. Shadow blinked and looked up.
"You'll have to figure out soon. Weirdmaggedon is coming back, and only YOU have the power to stop it. Just a simple yes or no to that simple question. The longer it takes for you to find out, the longer Weirdmaggedon will last," she said. Dipper was taken aback. Only he had the power to stop it?
"Why are you telling me this?" He asked as she stood up.
"Aren't you all loyal to him or something?" He finished. Shadow stopped before turning the doorknob. She turned and looked at him with a smirk, her eye now blood red.
"To finish it all, one must finish breaking or fix the demon's heart," she said. Her eye turned back to navy blue, and she opened the door and left, closing it behind her. Dipper stared after her. What did it mean?

My Pinetree~ (Yandere Bill x Dipper)Where stories live. Discover now