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"Why is it so dark? I can hardly see anything." I thought as I walked around the empty place. I was confused on where I was until I saw a bright light. I ran towards it to be able to see where I was at but all I saw was her.

She was a beauty. She had gorgeous short hazelnut brown hair that fell on her shoulders, beautiful chocolatey brown eyes that I can get lost in, her smooth pale skin. I could go on about her. She wore a beautiful blue dress that made her look like a princess. I always wondered who she was. She was just so beautiful. She smiled and walked out towards me. "Wake up" She said in a sweet voice, a faint beeping noise could be heard in the background. I was truly confused. "Wake up already!" She continued to say, her voice turning a bit deeper. The beeping noise became louder. "Just wake up!" She continues, her voice turned into a familiar deep voice.


I opened my eyes and sat up in a hurry, looking at my surroundings. Panting, I realized I was in my room and the familiar voice was my father. "Your alarm has been beeping for a while and it's giving me a headache, turn it off and go to school!" He said while turning around and shutting my door closed. I groan as I turn off my alarm, getting ready for my eleventh high school with my normal attire. Which is just a black shirt, blue jeans, and my trenchcoat.

As I left my room, I heard my dad putting on some videos of buildings getting blown up by the one and only Bud Dean himself. He owns the company 'Big Bud Deconstructions' and says I'll be the one to take over after he passes away but I don't want that, not after what happened with my mom.

I went to the kitchen to eat something and grabbed my keys. "I wonder who she is or if I'll ever see her." I thought as I walked towards my motorcycle. I've been seeing that girl in my dreams for a whole week now. She was truly beautiful. I've been trying to stop thinking about her but I can't! As much as I try to not think of her, she really is all I can think about.

I continued to think of the girl in my dreams until i arrived at my new school. As I enter i already can tell it's no different then all the other ones. The only differences there are is that I have a different schedule and a different lock number. "VERONICAAAAA" I shriek at the loud voice. Whoever that is must have a dinosaur as an ancestor. I chuckled as I went to my first class of the day.


When I entered the cafeteria, I was greeted by a horrible scent. "Must be the food here" I thought as I went to one of the empty tables in the room. Pulling out my favorite book, "The Bell Jar", I put it on the table. I was about to read it till a girl in blue caught my eye. I widened my eyes in shock.

It was the girl from my dreams! She was following a girl in red. While doing so, she looked at me also being in shock. After she looked at me, I quickly looked down and 'read' my book. More likely, I was thinking about how she was an actual person. I only thought she was a figment of my imagination!

As I continued to panic and think about her, I heard a pair of heels getting closer. "Hello Jason Dean." A sweet voice said. I looked up and saw my dream girl. "Greetings and salutations, you a heather?" I asked. I learned about 'The Heathers' by some students fangirling over them or whatever. "No I'm a Veronica, Sawyer. May I sit here?" She asked, referring to the seat in front of me. I nodded. "Veronica, that's a pretty name for a pretty girl" I thought as she sat down.

"I saw you here and wanted to talk." She simply said, resting her head on the palm of her hand. "Cool, how did you know my name?" I asked, wondering how she knew when I never said it. "Oh um...my friend told me. The one in your American History." She said, seeming a bit panicked. I let it slide and we continued to talk for a while.

"This might be weird but...I've been seeing you in my dreams for the past week, that's why I came here to talk to you." She said. "I have as well, such a coincidence." I replied. I was in shock! I didn't know she had dreams of me as well. I heard the bell ring which meant lunch was over. "Meet me at the nearest 7/11 at 6pm." I said, getting up and leaving the cafeteria before hearing her response.


As I was placing the cold drink in my hand on a bruise I got from fighting two coke headed Jocks, Veronica walked in. She spotted me and walked towards me. "Hey, want a slushy?" I said once she got to me, referring to the cold drink that I usually crave. She nodded. I turned to the familiar yet not slushy machine. "Did you say cherry or lime?" I asked smirking and grabbing a cup. "I didn't, cherry." She answered. I filled her cup with the sweet red flavored ice and handed it to her. She smiled and grabbed her cup, sipping it and turning on her heel towards the cash register with the employee almost falling asleep.

"I'll pay." I offered and paid without her saying anything. "I'll pay next time then." She said while leaving the store. "Oh so there's a next time?" I asked with a smug smile on my face. "Well if were gonna be friends, we have to hangout of course." She responded and looked up at the sky. When she said we were going to be friends it kinda hurt. I've met her today and I sure as hell know I don't want to be her friend but yet something more, I want to be hers.

𝖳𝗁𝗂𝗋𝖽 𝖯𝖾𝗋𝗌𝗈𝗇 𝖯𝖮𝖵
After their first meeting at the 7/11, it became their usual hangout place. Their friendship and feelings for each other grew stronger. Jason, or as he would like to be called JD, felt the happiest he has ever been after his mother's death. He told Veronica his life story and she told him her own as well. Them two realized that both of their lives had static. They continued to be friends until Veronica knew she couldn't handle being only that.

She had texted JD to go to their hangout place at 6pm, wanting it to be like their first hangout and got ready. She put on a blue dress that was up to her knees and had spaghetti straps. She brushed her tangled hair and left her house in a hurry, hoping to know if he felt the same way as she did.

Once she got there, she spotted his motorcycle in the parking lot for the gas station. She encouraged herself by saying "you can do this!", "he'll like you back!" Hoping she'll stop being so nervous but it didn't help a bit. JD noticed her pacing outside and paid for his slushy, heading outside and tapping lightly on her shoulder.

"Hey, you okay? You seem nervous about something." He said, worrying a bit about the shorter girl in blue. "Yeah, I'm fine but there's something I need to say." She responded. JD looked at her confused, waiting for what she had to say. "I'm just going to say it, I like you! I've liked you ever since I saw you in the cafeteria...actually...before that! I've liked you since I saw you in my dreams." She said, finally saying her feelings to the boy who made her feel like the only girl in the world.

JD was shocked to say the least. Veronica became scared and thought she ruined their friendship until she felt a pair of cold yet soft lips on her own. Noticing he had kissed her, she kissed him back. "That's my answer to that." He said. Veronica was overjoyed to know he liked her back. JD put his arm around her and said

"Our love is god, let's go get a slushy."

𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝: 1424

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