Partners In Crime (Part 2) - Xander DeWitt

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Xander and I got off his red scooter as we stood in front of our new school. He stood up and the bikes behind him tumbled over. "Jesus, Xan," I mumbled.

"Not cool," I jumped when blonde twins saw us and slightly glared in our direction. I flipped them off and dragged Xander behind me inside school.

We finished grabbing pur schedules from the principal. "What's your first class?" I asked.

"Science. You?" Xander replied.

"History," I smiled, "See you at lunch?"

"Yeah. See ya," Xander said. We shared a quick huge before walking to our separate directions.

I found my room and sat on a vacant seat by the second row and pulled out my laptop. I started searching for the location where Mr DeWitt's car was last found.

"Who remembers the Monroe Doctrine?" the teacher asked. No one raised their hands and I was the only one sticking out because of my laptop.

"Ms L/N?"

I slowly raised my head to look at the teacher. "What do you know about the Monroe Doctrine?"

I sighed. "In 1823, James Monroe declared any intervention by external powers in the politics of the Americas a hostile act."

"Well done," the teacher said. I focused on my laptop again and prayed this day would be over quick.

"You're smart," a guy next to me complimented with a smirk. "I haven't seen you around before, are you new?"

"What do you think?" I snapped.

"Whoa, chillax. I'm just trying to be nice. Name's Kevin," the guy extends his hand in my direction. "If I tell you my name, will you shut up?" I said.



"Cute name. I saw you walk inside school with a blonde dude. Is he your brother?" Kevin asked.

"No. He's my uh... Best friend," I mumbled. I felt a pang of sadness when I said those words.


It was night time, Xander and I were about to leave the house, but Grandpa DeWitt caught us. Lucky for us, he let us go as long as nothing bad happens to us.

"Are you sure this is the right address?" Xander asked as he parked his scooter. "Yeah. I checked this address during History class. This is the one," I answered.

Xander and I checked the place and inside there was a broken building and someone turned the lights on. "Alright. Give me a boost," I told Xander. He went down on his knees and I stood on him to climb the fence.

We stopped when we heard sirens and a cop saw us. "Hey kiddos," the cop said. I jumped off of Xander and squinted our eyes when the cop came closer and his flashlight shone brighter at us. "Officer, can you give us a boost? We're trying to get to the young adult section," Xander said.

"Hey dude, can you put that away?" I snapped at the cop while pointing to his flashlight. He scoffs.

"There's a sign right there," the cop pointed behind Xander and me. Now, it was Xander's turn to smirk, "Sorry we can't understand sign languages."

The cop, Xander and I laughed but then the cop pushed us to his car and grabbed Xander's wallet. He opened it to see the many fake ID's that he has. I have mine too. "The real one's are on top" Xander told the cop.

The gates suddenly opened and we saw an unknown guy walk up to us. "Mr Finn. Sorry for the disturbance, I caught these two teens attempting to trespass your site," the cop said. I rolled my eyes with a scoff.

"Loosen up a little. What are your names?" Mr Finn asked Xander and me. "Squarepants. Robert Squarepants. My friends call me Bob, and this is my girlfriend, soon to be wife, Amara," Xander said. He shook the man's hand and wrapped his arms around me. I blushed.

I've always been attracted to Xander. Growing up, I find him very attractive and it wasn't until last year that I've confirmed for myself that I like him. Someone was bullying me at school, and Xander swore he'd not stop until he catches who because I refuse to tell him who's been hurting me. He didn't stop until he caught the one who's been bullying me and got her suspended. I've liked him since then, and I'm great at keeping my feelings at bay.

"No. His name's Xander DeWitt," the cop butted in. "Oh shove off," I snapped.

"DeWitt? Any relation to Russell DeWitt?" Mr Finn asked. "Yeah. He's my father," Xander replied. I couldn't help but feel like something's off with this guy.

"What about her?" the cop asked Xan while pointing to me. "Our families are great friends, this is my best friend and partner in crime," Xander said. "Sup," I said.

"Speaking of my father, do you know him?" Xander asked. "Yeah! I've known him for a while now, how is he? Is he in town?" Mr Finn asked. Xander and I looked at each other and I lightly nudged him. "He's missing," Xan replied.


"He disappeared three months ago. We're living with Xander's grandfather for now," I explained.

The cop and Mr Finn let us go as Xander took his wallet from the cop. We walked back to hie scooter and as I was putting the helmet on, something caught my attention. I picked up a post card that says, To: X. Love: Dad

It has the exact same hand writing as Mr DeWitt's. "Xan," I showed him the post card and I can see his eyes glimmering with hope. "Good one Y/N. This is our first clue. Thanks," Xander smiled at me and gave me a hug. "Yeah yeah, I'm so amazing," I giggled.

We hopped on his scooter and drove back to Grandpa DeWitt's house. I headed to my room when Xander suddenly stopped me. "Hey uh... Thanks," he said, "For coming here with me."

"It's not a problem, Xan," I smiled at him, "I'll always have your back."

"You're an amazing friend, Y/N. I can never imagine my life without you in it," Xander said. My heart fluttered at that and I smiled at him. "You mean a lot to me too."

"There's... There's something that I have to tell you. I've been wanting to tell you this for a while now, but I don't exactly know how... Y/N I like--"

I jumped when my phone started ringing. I fished it out of my pocket to find my mother calling me. "Jesus mom, it's like midnight now," I hissed, "Uh Xan, can continue this conversation in the morning? I gotta take this call and I'm kind of tired... Unless it's that important then mom can wait."

"No it doesn't matter anyway. You should answer that, I don't want Mrs L/N to think you're dead and have her drive all the way down here and kick me for leaving you alone," Xander chuckled.

I smiled at him. "Goodnight Xan."

"Night N/N," Xander replied. We walked inside our own rooms and I had a huge smile on my face.

My phone ringing was annoying me so I answered the call. "Hello?"


Part 2 is out!

Why do I feel like I'm gonna end up writing the whole movie? Well, not really.

Thank you guys for reading this.

I love you all and stay safe.

𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now