Double-O Danger - H. H.

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I was at the man cave with the entire gang, minus Henry. He sent me a message saying he's on his way here. Ray is eating mancakes, Schwoz is hiding under the table while holding a blaster as Charlotte, Jasper and I are playing instruments.

Ray insist that we should form a man band and perform at Bar Mitzvahs. Jasper is playing the flute, Charlotte is playing the electric guitar as I was playing the drums.

Henry suddenly entered the man cave and shot Schwoz with this lazer. Instead of hitting Schwoz, he shot the Ray's syrup. "Aye!" Schwoz yelped.

"My strawberry syrup!" Ray exclaimed, "What the heck, man?"

"Schwoz was gonna--"

"I was just trying to enjoy my breakfast and you come in zapping this one, who's hiding under my table, and I got these three off in the corner playing instruments I've never seen them play before," Ray snapped.

"Y/N knows how to play the accoustic and electric guitar and drums," Henry pointed out. "You told us to learn how to play these," Charlotte pointed out. "Yeah you said you wanted to start the man band so you can rent us out to Bar Mitzvahs," Jasper added.

"I'm not really complaining, it's not like I don't know how to play the drums," I put the drumsticks to the side and walked up to my boyfriend who kisses my forehead. "How are ya babe?" I asked. "Good," Henry smirked down at me.

"Let's not focus on the things I did or did not say," Ray told us, "Let's focus on why Schwoz is hiding under my table."

"I have to! It's part of a game I'm playing with Henry," Schwoz said. "Ooh! What kind of game?" I beamed. "I hide under things and shoot Henry with a sleep dart when he comes to work. It's called "Hide and Go Sleep"."

My smiled faded as I waved him off and return fo my drum set. "Actually I hate that game, that's why I zapped you," Henry stated.

Schwoz frowned. "Ok I guess you got me... Sleep dart!!"

Henry lifted his lazer and shot Schwoz before the science genius can shoot my boyfriend with his sleep dart. The monitor beeped, Charlotte approached the screen as Ray gurgled some coffee. Gross.

"It's the vice mayor," Charlotte said. Henry grabbed his gumball.

"Fine. Put it on the screen," Ray ordered. Jasper, Charlotte, Schwoz and I hid away from the screen as the duo turned to their Captain Man and Kid Danger uniform. 

Ray answered the call. "What's up?! I'm eating a reckless breakfast and I'm not gonna stop!"

"Cheerio! Good morning Captain Man and Kid Danger!" The vice mayor replied.

"Why do you look so funny?" Henry asked.

Ray said something but we couldn't pick out a wore he said due to his mouth filled with pancakes. Gross dude. Don't talk with your mouth full.

"Also he says why do you sound so funny?" Henry asked. "Yeah," Ray nodded his head.

"I've been in England on holiday," the vice mayor beamed. "Lucky you," I mumbled. Charlotte snickered and slapped my shoulder.

"That means 'vacation' in English!" Ray said through his stuffed mouth. "Take it easy man," Henry told his boss. "I have a mission for you... I want you to capture Mob Boss Rob Boss," the vice mayor explained.

"Who's Mob Boss?" Henry asked. "He's Mob Boss," Ray answered. "Precisely! You can see him in our calendar of Swellview's Hottest Villains," the vice mayor showed a calendar with Mob Boss' face.

𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now