Partners In Crime (Part 7) - Xander DeWitt

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"If you've ever spent a night in a giant clock before, it's not exactly restful," Xander narrated, "My partners and I-"

"Are you narrating?" I interrupted him while raising an eyebrow. He stopped, "Sorry," before we heard a thud.

Kenzie and I grabbed the planks as Xander held a rock to protect ourselves from whoever it is on the other side of the door. The door suddenly flew open, Xander grabbed my arm and I felt myself blush.

We saw Charlie DeWitt enter the room and we let out a sigh of relief. "Whatever you three kids are doing up here, you're still doing it wrong," he greeted us with a smirk. We dropped our weapon and smiled at him. "Took you long enough grandpa," Xander smiled as we followed Grandpa DeWitt out of the clock tower.

"SOS. Pretty clever kid," Grandpa DeWitt praised Xander which made me smile. "The universal distress signal. Y/N and I figured it out. We got it from you," Xander said. "Well it was mostly Xander's idea," I said.

"Ok but excuse my language but where the hickory dickery dot is my dog?" Cara Jean asked.

The ground suddenly shook, I nearly fell if it weren't for Xander catching me.

"The earthquake's starting! We need to get out of here!" Kenzie warned us before she ran to the RV. Xander hopped onto his scooter. "Grandpa, Jack Finn was behind all of this and he has dad," Xander said.

"Jack Finn? I knew it!" Charlie said. I rolled my eyes at him. "Marie if you're up there, just watch my back," he added before tossing his cane to the side and joined Xander.

"Y/N? You coming?" Xander asked me. "You want me to come with you?" I asked.

"We both started this, we're ending this together," he said. I smiled and joined the two DeWitt's and we were off.


We reached a metal door and opened it. The room is filled with technologies and machines. We looked around the room and saw Russell DeWitt. My eyes watered at the sight of my second father and covered my mouth.

"Dad?!" Xander gasped as they walked to each other. They met half way and hugged each other tightly. Charlie approached the father son duo and they shared a hug.

I stood by the side as tears of joy fell from my eyes when I see how happy Xander is right now. "Y/N?" Russell looks at me and I waved at him. "Hello Mr DeWitt," I greeted. He gave me a hug and I once again started crying.

We pulled away and Xander wrapped an arm around my shoulder and I leaned my head against his chest.

"Security breach"

"Stop the door!" Russell called. Grandpa DeWitt and I ran to the door but he luckily stuck his titanium leg out.

Xander and I helped Charlie but we suddenly saw Jack laughing from the other side.

"Now this is precious," Jack smirked, "Three generations together and the girlfriend is here to join the party."

"Girlfriend? For how long, son?" Russell asked Xander. We made eye contact for a split second before looking away with blushing faces. "Dad, now's not the time," Xander playfully hissed. "No, now is the right time to talk about this. You would always tell me how much you like Y/N and I'm just finding out that you already made a move on her?" Russell asked his son.

I covered my face in embarrassment as Charlie laughed at Xander and I. "Alright alright can we talk about this later?" Xander pleaded.

"I noticed you still got my son to do your homework for ya," Charlie told Jack after he was done laughing. Jack showed the device that will activate the earthquake.

"Why don't you go stand over there next to your dad, both of you teens," Jack ordered. Xander and I hesitated before slowly walking over to Mr DeWitt.

"Xander we are standing at the forefront of history," Jack began, "In a few years when everything out there is bif and beautiful and new again."

"People will say, that this earthquake was the best thing that ever happened to Bixler Valley! And Charlie, don't you wanna spend your retirement years in a town with a future," Jack added. I rolled my eyes.

C.R.A.T.E.R. activated.

Charlie knocked Jack out and we smiled at him in thanks. "Come on how are we gonna stop this earthquake?" I asked.

"Alright, four minutes. We can still do this, hand me the tablet," Russell ordered. I gave him the tablet and he tapped around the device. "Time to stop this madness."

"And save this town," Xander finished.

"The tablet's locked and you knocked out guys who have the code," Russell said. "We need to crack the code and kill the power!" he pointed out.

"Got this, I can do this," Xander cut in, "If there's prints I can get us in-- Wait no no no no, my phone's dead."

"We'll do this old school then," Charlie said. We watched as he worked around the device and said, "Ok these four prints are the most prominent. Four digits in varying order means..."

"24 possible variations," we all said in unison. Russell smiled at me, "I can't wait for you to be my daughter-in-law."

"Again, now's not the time dad," Xander said. He grabbed the tablet and typed in a possible code.


"1, 2, 3, 4? That's all he got?" Charlie asked while we looked at Jack. "We did it!" Y/N cheered and hugged Xander who picked her up and spun her around. We pulled away but still have our arms around each other as we looked at each other's eyes.

"Are you two gonna kiss or what?" Charlie suddenly spoke. We looked at the two older DeWitt's who are smiling at us.

Xander and I looked at each other again, I grabbed his face and connected our lips together.

Russell and Charlie DeWitt clapped and cheered for us as Xander pulled me closer to him. We pulled away and smiled at each other. "So, about that date?" Xander smirked down at me.

"Name the time and place, I'm in for whatever," I shrugged my shoulders.

The cops arrived and took Jack Finn away.

Xander and I stood next to each other as the cops are questioning Mr DeWitt and Grandpa DeWitt.

"Thanks Y/N... For always having my back," Xander said. I nodded and smiled up at him.

Finally everything's back to the way it was before.

And I've had an amazing adventure.


The last chapter of this series is next!


Thanks for reading guys

I love you all and stay safe. 

𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя