Danger Games (Part 2) - H. H.

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"Break up with the dude already and move in here! It's not like your parents don't trust you here in LA with us," Jack Avery said which made me giggle.

I was at Junk 'N Stuff FaceTiming the WDW boys. They're all huddling in front of Jonah Marais' laptop as I just told them about the recent events in my life. That includes the two girls and Henry.

"I still have school, remember? Lucky you guys, you're touring the world and having the time of your life," I said.

"Corbyn's smart. He can teach you anything," Zach Herron pointed out. The said guy nodded his head.

"Are you sure this guy even likes you? From the way he's been acting from your story, I don't think he cares about your relationship," Jonah spoke.

I sighed. "I don't know anything anymore. God, I wish you guys were here with me," I mumbled. The boys looked at me sadly. "Don't worry Y/N. We'll see each other again someday," Daniel Seavey assured me with the boys nodding their heads in agreement. "If we have a clear schedule, we'll fly there to Swellview to see ya," Corbyn Besson adds.

"Thanks guys," I said.

The doors suddenly opened. I was about to not pay attention to whoever walked inside but I heard Henry and Charlotte's voice. I looked up to see them pushing a huge bin with the four kids inside. "Speak of the Diablo," I told the WDW boys. They snickered.

I raised an eyebrow at Henry and Charlotte and noticed the Hudson kid in Henry's KD uniform. "You are so screwed," I told Henry.

I looked at my laptop and faced the boys sadly. "I gotta go guys. I'll talk to you again tomorrow ok?" I said.

"Sure thing! Bye Y/N," they waved at me. "Bye guys," I waved back.

"Stay safe alright? Don't get killed, stay hydrated, we love you!" Corbyn called. "Yeah I love you too," I said. The call ended and I closed my laptop and put it inside my bag.

Henry, Charlotte and I pushed the bin inside the elevator and we rode down to the man cave.

"Who were you talking to?" Henry asked.

"No one," I mumbled.

"Y/N..." Henry was about to add something but the doors opened. We see Schwoz's body in half as we pushed the bin inside.

Ray's face turned to anger when he saw the four kids, and worse Hudson in KD uniform. "What happened?" Ray asked. The kids were starting to wake up so we pushed them inside the elevator and killed the power.

"Henry," Ray sternly said. The sidekick was panicking so Ray turned to me. "I don't know anything. I was up at the store when all this happened," I raised my hand.

"I don't know man, uh... That-That Hudson kid found my gum and he blew into it and he... He.... He turned into me!" Henry began explained as Ray tried to stay calm. "And then... Then that-that Kenzie girl she figured out I was Kid Danger!"

"And I... I just started zapping. I couldn't stop, I zapped everyone.... I..." Henry turned to me and looked like he was about to cry. "I zapped my sister," he said and fell into my arms.

Ray and Henry eventually have to face the kids and do something. They changed into their superhero uniform. Ray suggested we wipe their memories. "Alright kid, it's time to clean up your mess," Ray growled. Charlotte turned the power on, the elevator opened and they stumbled inside.

"Are we in heaven?" Hudson asked, "I'm seeing an angel, so yeah, I guess we are in heaven," he added while smirking at me. Babe and Kenzie slapped which made me confuse for a few seconds.

𝙹𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗 𝙸𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚜 Where stories live. Discover now