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It's funny really. How we realize the value of some things only when they're already gone from our lives. Arsalaan was feeling that bitter moment, he knew she would leave him one day but he wasn't that prepared yet. How the hell did she become so important to him in such a short span of time was beyond him. It felt like he was going to lose his mind until he heard that beautiful laugh of hers. His aching heart sighed in relief as he turned around to see the person responsible for this, sitting in the car whilst laughing hysterically. Why didn't he check in the car? He groaned mentally but he was glad anyways. More than glad to see her just fine.Thank Allah that she is fine!

Malaika got down from the car whilst holding her stomach and laughing loudly, "you should have seen your face." she couldn't keep calm. Pranking was fun and she might do it more now, especially when the reactions are going to be this funny. 

"God, Malaika! You think this is funny?" Arsalaan growled in anger as he held her shoulders tightly, which got her to stop. No, this was not a part of her plans. She expected him to laugh along with her but this is the exact opposite happening here.

"I was just pulling-" the words died deep down in her throat as he engulfed her, holding her tightly in his arms, making sure that she hasn't gone anywhere yet. Malaika was quite taken aback at this hug. But she hugged him back anyway. She felt herself being lifted in the air, slightly which made her squeal in surprise. Which was again silenced by his squeezing hug. 

"I was this close to losing my mind." he dropped her legs on the earth, gently, still continuing to hug her as though his life depended on it. 

"I-I'm sorry." Malaika had no idea that her silly little prank would backfire like this. But she has another reason for doing this and she got her answer, fair and clear. 

"You scared me, like seriously scared me." Arsalaan finally lets her go, and oddly enough, she was already missing the hug. 

Damn, it felt so good to be hugged like that. She could swear it was one of the best hugs she's ever had and it wasn't like she remembered the previous hugs anyway. But this was soo good. 

"I- I was just pulling your legs, I'm sorry. That and also-" she bit her lips in midway, and shut her eyes close and opened one slightly hoping that he wouldn't have noticed but closed it right away feeling his glare. 

"Look at me, now." his tone was so authoritative yet vulnerable, she lifted her chin and stared at him nervously. 

"Why did you do it?" he asked again, his voice sounded low this time. 

"I wanted to see if you really cared for me or not?" she lowered her gaze, fidgeting with her dupatta nervously. 

"Got your answer?" she nodded her head slowly, a pang of slight guilt formed in her heart. Maybe it was too much for a prank? 

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you'd freak out so much, I swear, I will not repeat this again." she sounded so damn sincere and cute that it was hard to fight away that smile," you smiled!" Malaika exclaimed happily. He shrugged as if it was nothing. 

"Let's go and eat? I'm starving." she nodded her head eagerly, and they both walked into the restaurant. He made sure to hold her hands this time. A small smile appeared on her face, as she eyed her hands, which he has held protectively. 

A gasp left her mouth as she eyed the interiors of the hotel, "Arsalaan. This place is super creative. I'm in love." Malaika tried to pull back her hands, but he wasn't letting her go. So, she pulled him along with her and took a look at all the decorations and arrangements. He had an amused look on his face throughout the time. 

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