twenty four

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The word divorce didn't let her sleep peacefully for two days straight. Malaika was so furious at Inaya for suggesting something as stupid as that, but that made her question herself more. What in the world did she want exactly?

Either to hate that man or to be with him. She was confused. Her heart and mind had a battle of their own.

There was her brain, which keeps saying her to hate him and to never meet him again, but then there was her heart, which clenches in pain just at the mere thought of getting separated forever.

It was hard for her to remain like this, and she wished to end this, once and for all. The thought of someone else taking her place and living as his wife made her burn with rage, no she is not letting that happen. Inaya's words have already created an impact of their own and now, his words only added more fuel to the fire.

"You're better off without me, Malaika. Let's get divorced and put an end to all this." Arsalaan's words played in her ears once again and she was fuming with rage. Just who the hell did he think was. He waited for her to answer while she stared at him in disbelief.

"You've got to be kidding me." getting up from the bed, she yelled at him dramatically looking down at him. Arsalaan blinked his eyes, not expecting one such reply from her. He thought she'd be elated to cut ties with him and live her life. But it looked like he was wrong, and that made him a little hopeful. A feeling which he never thought would be possible.

"What wrong did I say?" Arsalaan asked, as he too stood up and now, she had to look up to face him. Their little height difference was cute. Especially on times like this.

"You want divorce, huh? DIVORCE." fisting his shirt angrily, she stressed the word divorce bitterly. Her eyes were on fire, as she looked up at him. It held the kind of anger, which showed how hurt and broken she was. Arsalaan closed his eyes, trying to calm himself lest he'd end up kissing her. His brain needs to be screwed for thinking so stupidly. Seriously.

"What the hell do you think of yourself, huh? One day you'll force me to marry you and now, you want to leave me. You can't get to decide things all the times you know...Just what exactly is your problem, Arsalaan Baig?" Malaika whisper yelled at him, as she held onto his shirt more tightly. She looked so angry that he gulped. What has he gotten himself into? Arsalaan wondered.

Women are so confusing. He groaned mentally. She was still intensely glaring at him, waiting for his reply, "answer me. What the hell do you think of yourself?"

"Malaika... You said you hated me." he sighed.

"I don't, now." she snapped.

"What changed? I mean... you should be hating me, I deserve to be hated." Arsalaan whispered in a weak voice and she felt bad for him. Thinking how difficult it must be for him to say these words. When she can clearly see how broken and vulnerable, he himself was. His eyes held so much love and care for her. She could see that and so much more and yet this stupid man is asking for a divorce. Talk about stupidity.

"You don't get to decide that, Arsalaan. I don't hate you. End of the discussion." she snapped again, getting tired of these hate games.

"We haven't talked or seen each other for months." which earned him another glare, "and whose fault is that?" she snapped at him, again.

"You wanted to leave me." he justified with a whine.

"And you should have stopped me. Or at least came after me, asked for forgiveness. Tried something, anything. But you just left me, alone. And I hate you for that, I hate the fact that I can't hate you despite everything." her voice was weak this time, almost felt like she'd break down anytime soon. Sensing which, he held her shoulders, and she looked up at him with moist eyes.

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