Late Nights

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10:20 pm, Friday

We had been driving down town for a good 15 minutes now. He was blasting 80s rock music, I couldn't tell who was singing the song.

"What's this band?" I asked him as he nodding his head to the music. He looked at me in shock, "You don't know who this is?!" He asked.

I shook my head and he was just completely speechless. "It's Metallica, here I'll play more of their music." He said as he then put in another tape in.

He looked over and smirked, "Get ready for the best album you'll ever hear." He said and then looked back to the road.

I sat back and enjoyed the music, quite chaotic, but enjoyable.


We finally got to the beach and we had taken a seat on the sand. It was completely dark out, nobody was around. We were talking about all types of things.

Favorite foods, movies, all sorts. We hadn't gotten into anything personal though.

We were now both laying on the sand, staring at the moon. "Are you gonna explain why you decided to go here with me, instead of just going home?" I asked him, turning my head to look at him.

His side profile was nearly perfect, his hair rested in his forehead perfectly, his nose was perfect. I'm now noticing all these things about him, now that I'm not focused on him being an ass.

He looked at me then back to the sky. "I don't always like being at home." He told me. I gave a confused look to him as I turned on my side to face him.

"How come?" I asked.

"My stepdads an asshole. All he does is yell at me, even when I'm doing what I'm supposed to. It just sucks being there. So you know, I try to not be in there as much." He vents to me, I had no idea he'd say all that.

I raised my eyebrows. He looked at me and sat up. "Sorry, I don't know why I said all that." He looked surprised he said all that.

"Don't be sorry. That sounds awful. I'm sorry you have to deal with that." I said with a sincere look. He nodded, "Yeah, I'm used to it by now. He's only been a part of our life since I was 2 so.." He told me.

"What about your real dad? Is he around?" I had asked him. He frowned a bit, "Nope. I never knew him. He left us when I was 2, before Sid came in." He told me while he began to play around with some sand.

I didn't know how relatable he could be. I thought he was just some rich asshole. But he's not.

"I know how that one feels." I said and then later back down on the sand. He looked at me and laid back down as well.

"Did your dad leave too?" He asked me. I nodded, "He left as soon as my mom told him she was pregnant with me. He couldn't even stick around to meet me. I don't even know his name. My mom never talks about him. Ever." I express to him.

He nodded, "We're a lot more alike than I thought." He said, I weakly smiled. All this talk about family made me sad.

"Yeah." I stared back up to the stars.

"Hey, why'd you say it like that. Earlier?" He asked me, I didn't know what he meant. "Elaborate?" I laughed a bit.

"You just sounded kind of confused why I'd asked you to come to the beach with me." He said to me.

I shrugged, "I dunno. I mean you could've asked any other of the guys." I told him.

I saw the way he was looking at me, he was observing my face. "I don't know. Do you regret me asking you?" He asked me a little bit sadly.

I smiled, "Not at all." He smiled bigger than I'd seen him smile before. Then for another hour we just watched the stars together.

Something about Johnny is comforting. His presence seems to make everything feel right. Even if we just met 3 days ago and only really became friends today, I know he's the kind of person I want to keep in my life.

I like the guy. A lot actually.

𝐌𝐘𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐘 𝐎𝐅 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 | Johnny Lawrence x OCWhere stories live. Discover now