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Third POV

Screaming. Crying. Weeping. All at once. That's what they heard. That's what everyone heard since the tests started. They had heard it for three days now. WCKD tortured her and tortured her. But did they care? No. They cared about getting results. They wouldn't stop. She tried begging, over and over and over. She just wanted the pain to stop. But it never did. Her friends that had been captured with her were torn everyday when her screams started. Minho tried to sneak her out but he got caught. Aris tried too. He failed as well. No one escapes this place.

It was a new day but the same routine. Skylar was strapped down to her bed. She had scars developing on her wrists and ankles from her attempts to get free. Dr. Paige walked in with her usual long white coat and her hair in a bun and did her daily check up with the subject. Skylar never spoke to the doctor and the doctor never spoke to her in return. Dr. Paige made notes on Skylar's heart rate, blood pressure, etc. It sounds like a normal check up, until it comes to the actual testing. Once Dr. Paige was finished, two more doctors walked in. One male, one female. Both doctors had on white coats as well. They began turning on the different machines around the room. Skylar's heart rate began to pick up. The other female doctor picked up a head piece and walked over to Skylar's bound body. Skylar tried to move her head away but she couldn't go far. The doctor put the head piece on top of her head. Skylar looked to Dr. Paige for the first time. Skylar's eyes showed hatred yet desperation. The male doctor looked to Dr. Paige for permission. Dr. Paige broke her gaze away from Skylar and looked to the male doctor. "Begin." Dr. Paige stated. She then made her way out of the room.

"No." Skylar whispered. She began breathing more heavily. She started trying to tear from her bonds but it was no use. "No please." She begged a little louder. Tears started streaming down her face. The male doctor pushed a certain button and Skylar arched her back. Then the screams started.

Dr. Paige walked into the room next to Skylar's and stood in front of the window that showed into Skylar's room. She wasn't the first to enter the room. Another woman with dark hair pulled into a bun and blue eyes was already watching Skylar as the testing started. She wore a stone expression on her face. "Good morning Teresa." Dr. Paige greeted her. Teresa nodded her head toward Dr. Paige and then focused her attention back on Skylar.

"How's it going?" Teresa asked.

"It's hard to tell." Dr. Paige answered. "We are thinking of trying something different tomorrow. We are thinking of switching it from physical to mental." Teresa turned her head to the doctor, her eyes showed confusion and slight shock.

"What do you mean?"

"Maybe we could get more promising results if the pain was mental instead of physical. Or in other words......emotional." Teresa's eyes widened a bit.

"What?" Teresa asked in almost a whisper.

"This subject has experienced a tremendous amount of physical and emotional pain. We can use both to our advantage." Dr. Paige turned to look at Teresa in the eyes. "Is there a problem?" Teresa slowly turned her head back to the window. She took a deep breath.

"No." Dr. Paige looked back to the window as well.

"This will all end soon." The doctor tried to reassure Teresa. "There is a cure......And we will be the ones to find it." Teresa nodded her head slightly and slowly walked out of the room. Skylar's screams continued. Everyone heard. The doctors tuned it out but the other subjects couldn't bear it. How long were they going to continue with this?

Book 2: Scorch of the Heart  /  Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now