Chapter 9

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"Me and Newt will go. You guys just be careful until we get back." Thomas instructed us. Thomas, Newt, Brenda, Frypan, Jorge, and I were standing in a small circle. I had my head down and arms crossed, thinking. I then remembered what Chris told me.

Watch over Newt. Don't leave his side.

I wanted to disagree with Thomas' decision but then decided against it. I felt like Chris' words were meant for another time, not right now. Besides, Thomas was going to be with Newt. They'll watch each other's backs. Plus, Gally actually seemed a bit trustworthy. I didn't trust him fully but I could tell he had no intentions of hurting Thomas or Newt.

Gally uncovered a hole in the concrete floor. Thomas, Newt, Fry, and I leaned a bit to look inside the hole while Gally grabbed a ladder and lowered it into the hole. The hole was pitch black so I couldn't see much. Jorge stood next to Thomas. "Be careful Thomas." He whispered. Thomas patted Jorge's back to reassure Jorge. Gally sat by the hole, his legs dangling inside of it. He grabbed a flashlight as he prepared to descend the ladder.

"Gally." Fry said. Gally looked up at him. "You take care of these two."

"Yeah." He responded as he shifted himself onto the ladder.

"If anything happens to them," I suddenly blurted out, my voice stern. Gally looked up at me. "I will kill you." I finished, looking him dead in the eye with the hardest glare ever. He could tell I was being serious. He quickly looked away and headed down the ladder. I looked up at Thomas. He nodded to me, trying to assure me they were going to be okay. My face was expressionless as I turned away from him to look at Newt who was fixing his shoe. Thomas began to follow Gally into the hole. I continued to watch Newt as he fixed his shoe. He suddenly stopped, lifting his right hand and examining it. He began to rub his right hand with his left. I tilted my head slightly and furrowed my eyebrows. Newt suddenly looked up at us. I quickly looked away to look back at the hole. Newt got up and quickly followed Gally and Thomas down the hole.

Third POV

The trio made their way down the hole into the sewers. "Ah, this is gross." Newt remarked in disgust. They continued in silence for a few moments before Gally decided to speak.

"So who's the girl?" He asked.

"Which one?" Thomas asked in return.

"The one that threatened to end me. Which I actually believed."

"Skylar." Newt answered.

"She's very protective of you guys." Gally pointed out.

"Yeah." Thomas agreed. "She'll end anyone who threatens her or her friends." Gally caught his subtle warning as Newt nodded in agreement and they continued their way into the Last City.

Skylar's POV

I found a quiet spot to sit and think. I thought about everything Chris had told me. It was the first time I really thought about it. Not all of them will walk away from this unless you go......Don't leave Newt's side. Watch his back. I knew it was all connected. All of Chris' warnings. I sat there for what must've been hours. I was eating the contents from the bag Jorge had given me and had drank two bottles of water while I sat there. Once I finished with my food I continued to sit there, fidgeting with my bracelet.

"What's Panem?" I turned to see Brenda leaning against the wall next to her. I looked back at my bracelet.

"It's where I'm from." I answered. Brenda slowly walked over and sat by me.

"What do you remember about it?" I shrugged my shoulders and shook my head slightly.

"Mostly the memories WCKD used on me."

"Tell me." I looked at her for a moment. I slowly looked back at my bracelet.

"I remember the feeling of being trapped. Like I had no escape or even choices. I don't remember if I was ever happy. I do remember a forest. The trails, the flowers......the slight freedom I felt whenever I was there. I dreamt of it when I was in my coma." I paused for a moment. "Then I remember fire, destruction, fear.......and loss." I didn't want to continue. I took a deep breath and lightly shook myself, signaling to Brenda that I was done.

"I'm sorry." She apologized. I shook my head.

"You didn't do anything."

"I wish I could've done something." She replied.

"Me too." I muttered under my breath so Brenda couldn't hear me. I began to rub my left shoulder again. Every so often I felt like the pain was still there. I don't think I'll ever get rid of that feeling. I heard someone running towards us. I turned to see Fry heading our way. He stopped a few feet away from us.

"They're back." He informed us. I looked at Brenda, who was staring back at me. We quickly got up and followed Fry back to Thomas and Newt.

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