Chapter 20

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The next day, Thomas came to check on me. "Hey Newt." Thomas greeted me.

"Hey Tommy." I replied. I was just sitting on my bed, bored out of my mind.

"How's your head?" Thomas asked.

"Not bad. But apparently I might have a concussion so it's back to resting. Like I haven't been doing enough of that for weeks." Thomas let out a short laugh as he sat down in a chair across from me. He just sat there staring at the ground for a bit. I realized he was subconsciously messing with the bracelet on his wrist. Instead of jumping to any more conclusions I just decided to ask. "Hey, isn't that Sky's?" I tried to ask nonchalantly as I pointed to the bracelet then scratched my forehead.

"Uh yeah. She gave it to me." Thomas responded as if it was no big deal. I nodded my head as I continued to look at the bracelet. I still wasn't getting many answers here. Thomas looked up at me. He looked at me like he was studying me or something. A look of realization stretched across his face and a smirk appeared as well. "It was her brother's." He explained. "She told me that I reminded her of him. She thought that he would want me to have it." Thomas let out a short laugh before continuing. "She's been addressing me as "bro" ever since. And she's become like a sister to me." I nodded. Thomas stared at me with a knowing look. "Just a sister." He repeated. I knew he had figured out what I had been feeling. "And she's not taken. By anyone. At all." Thomas added. I let out a short laugh as I shook my head.

"Yeah, got it." I replied. Thomas stood up and pat my shoulder.

"Shoot your shot." He told me and left before I could answer.


I sat in my favorite spot, eyes closed as I listened to the waves crash against the shore and feel the wind blow at my face. I would never get tired of this place. It was the most peaceful spot I can remember. It gave me the peace I so desperately need after all this time. I heard someone walk up from behind and sit down right next to me. Somehow I knew it was Thomas. We sat there in silence, both enjoying the peace and quiet. I knew he definitely needed it as much as I did. After a while, I heard Thomas take in a deep breath and let it out. "It's crazy....actually being here." Thomas said. I opened my eyes and looked out over the sea. "After everything...I'm still finding it hard to believe that we actually made it." I nodded my head slowly in agreement. "I uh, checked on Newt yesterday." I looked down at my knees that were pulled up against my chest.

"How is he?" I asked in almost a whisper.

"He'll be fine. He's just annoyed that he's back to doing nothing but resting." I smiled a little at his comment but continued to stare at my knees. My smile disappeared when I knew I had to tell someone how I was feeling.

"Thomas." I addressed him. Thomas looked at me, knowing by my tone I had to tell him something important to me. "I...I think I...I have feelings...for Newt." Thomas started to smile at me as I slowly turned my gaze to him. "Actually I'm pretty sure I've had them for awhile. But I might be more." Thomas furrowed his eyebrows. "I think I love him." Thomas' smile returned even bigger now. "But how is that even possible-I barely know him-we've barely even said a word to each other- maybe I'm just being ridiculous-"

"I don't think you're being ridiculous." Thomas interrupted calmly. "I think your feeling toward him are genuine."

"What am I supposed to do?" I asked with slight worry in my voice.

"Talk to him." Thomas answered plainly. "Tell him."

"Any other options?" I asked out of fear of what Newt would think or say.

Book 2: Scorch of the Heart  /  Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now