Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes slowly as I turned my head to one side and saw a figure sitting next to me. I looked into their face to see Brenda. "Brenda." I whispered.

"Hey." She responded. "I told you not to die on me." She added with a smirk. I sat up slowly and put my legs off the side of the bed when I realized my right arm was in a sling. I looked down at my arm. "Your arm will be like that for a couple weeks."

"Where's Newt?" I asked.

"He's resting." Brenda answered as she tilted her head to the side in the direction of where Newt layed. I turned my head to see Newt's motionless body on a bed exactly like mine on the other side of the small room.

"And Thomas?"

"Resting too." Brenda gestured to the bed right behind her that held Thomas. I nodded in response.

"How long was I out?"

"About a week. I've been checking on all of you when I can."

"What happened?"

"We got Newt the serum but we've been having to give him more doses every day since it's only temporary. We were able to get to Thomas but if it wasn't for Teresa he probably wouldn't have made it."

"Teresa here too?"

"No she....she didn't make it." I looked down at my lap in silence. Even after everything Teresa might've done to me she still saved Thomas. I really didn't know how to feel about this. After a moment I looked back up at Brenda.

"Where are we?" Brenda stood up and began walking out of the doorway.

"Come on. I'll show you." She gestured for me to follow. I stood up and made my way over to Newt instead. I looked down at him. His face was getting some of its color back and the black veins had retreated somewhat. I saw the bandage on his arm and remembered what I had done to him. How I cut his arm and was so close to killing him without even thinking. I was dangerous. All it takes is that voice in my head to tell me what to do and I would blindly follow its instructions. I needed control. My thoughts were interrupted when Brenda had reentered the room to make sure I was coming. "He'll be fine, come on." She told me. I followed her out the doorway and was hit with brilliant sunlight. I squinted my eyes at first until my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I saw a beautiful beach before me as the water lapped at the shore. I turned my head to the right to see a campsite with hundreds of people. "Welcome to the Safe Haven." Brenda welcomed me.

I followed Brenda into the camp and was amazed by everything I saw. I looked ahead of me as a few people made their way toward me. I realized it was Minho and Fry. They came up and before I could even say anything Fry had given me a hug but was careful with my arm. "Nice to see you too Fry." I stated as I pulled away from the hug. Minho put his hands up.

"We're not there yet." He teased.

"That's fine with me." I shot back as I shrugged my shoulders. Minho squinted his eyes at me for a moment. I just stared at him until he gave me a pat on the back.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." He greeted.

"Thanks." I replied.

Book 2: Scorch of the Heart  /  Newt x OCTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang