Chapter 13

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Teresa had already cut the tags out of Gally, Newt, and Fry's neck. Skylar said goodbye to Jorge who was going to head back to the Right Arm. Skylar headed over to Teresa and sat in front of her, her back facing Teresa. "You'll have to take off the jacket." Teresa informed her. Skylar looked at Teresa, then at the others. They weren't really paying attention anyway, for now at least. She slowly started to take the jacket off of her. Teresa's eyes widened when Skylar took the jacket off, slowly revealing her back.

Newt came by with jackets for Gally and Fry. "Here, see if these fit." He said as he handed the jackets to them. They thanked him. Gally looked at the jacket but lifted his eyes as he saw Skylar take her jacket off.

"Holy..." Gally started but was too shocked to finish his sentence. Fry heard him and looked up to see Gally's shocked face. He turned to see what Gally was staring at and soon had the same expression on his face.

"Newt." He said so quietly Newt almost didn't hear him. Newt turned to look at Fry. Fry tilted his head in the direction he was staring. Newt turned to look in the direction Fry nodded to. The color drained from his face as his gaze fell on Skylar. Her jacket in her lap, nothing but a tank top covering her now. He couldn't believe what he saw. Scars. Huge scars covering what he could see of her back and shoulders and even parts of her arms. Teresa began to cut the tag out of Skylar's neck. Skylar didn't show much pain, she clenched the chair she sat on but stayed still. The operation was over quickly. Skylar quickly stood up and pulled the jacket back over her.

"You did good." Teresa stated.

"It's just another to add to the many scars I already have." Skylar responded blandly as she looked at the ground with a blank expression. She lifted her head to see Newt, Fry, and Gally staring at her. She looked down as she quickly walked out of the room. Newt couldn't get the sight of the scars out of his head. He stood there for a moment before running after Skylar.

He found her on the top of the building again, her back to him as she looked up to the shiny buildings of the Last City. He slowly walked towards her. She then hung her head, looking at the ground. "I don't wanna talk about it." She stated quietly, her voice a bit raspy. "Not now." She slowly turned to face Newt, her head still hung. She then slowly looked up at him, right into his eyes. "We need to focus on Minho. Not me." She slowly shook her head. He slowly nodded to her in response. Skylar walked past Newt as she headed back down downstairs.

Skylar found Brenda cleaning and loading the guns. "Got one for me?" Skylar asked as she approached Brenda.

"Locked and loaded." Brenda answered as she handed Skylar one of the guns laid out on the table in front of her.


"Come back in one piece will ya?"

"Only if you do the same." Skylar gave her a small smirk. Brenda gave her a smirk in return.

Book 2: Scorch of the Heart  /  Newt x OCWhere stories live. Discover now