Chapter 1

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Marinette's POV

I put a note on Ms.Bustier's saying I got the class a trip to Gotham sponsored by Wayne Enterprises. I feel more like a teachers assistant than a student in her class. I walked to my seat in the back of the classroom and pulled out my headphones and played my newest album. 

I finished off some designs for Auntie Penny and Uncle Jagged since, they are having twins in about a month. I am MDC, the famous fashion designer and Nettie, the famous singer and song-writer. I do designs for millionaires and billionaires. Like, Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, and Emma Frost. I also make designs for my friends and just more famous people that can afford my designs. But, my friends get the free because well, they're my friends. 

Chloe came in with Nino and Juleka. Luka and Kagami go to Francis DuPont but, are in a different class than us. Chloe sat next to me and looked at my sketchbook. She said something but, I couldn't hear her over my music. I turned down the music and took them off. I looked at her and signaled her to repeat. "I was talking about the designs. They're cute. For Jagged and Penny right?" "Yup! Also, I got us a class trip and I was able to get Kagami and Luka to come." She looked excited. 

"REALLY! Where? When? How? W-" "Chloe! Slow down. It is in Gotham. We are leaving on Wednesday. It is a long story how. And I got Bruce Wayne to get Wayne Enterprises to sponsor us." "You got.... Ok, you are officially and miracle worker. So, the story on how." I was silent for a little figuring out how to word and then I took a deep breath and started explaining everything. 

"So, I was born in Tibet and was raised in the League of Assassins. I was best friends with the son of Talia Al Ghul, the daughter of the leader, Ra Al Ghul. His name was Damian. As in Damian Wayne. We trained together and when, we were 8 we were bonded or betrothed so, technically we're married. When, we were 10 an attack came and we were separated. Talia took Damian to Bruce and I was given to Tom and Sabine. She told me to put on a cover act and shit so, I did. I had to act bubbly, cheery, bright, and all smiles and the kind of girl who wouldn't hurt a fly. I also, had to pretend to have a crush on Adrien to go along with my cover. It was and still is pure torture." Chloe just stared at me, processing everything I just said. 

Then, she started yelling in Spanish. Her mother taught her Spanish. "¡Estás comprometido con Damian, maldito Wayne! Te criaron como asesino en el Tíbet. ¡Viniste a París debido a un ataque y Tom y Sabine no son tus verdaderos padres! ¿Que sigue? ¡Vas a decirme que eres Nettie o algo así!" I tapped her shoulder and nodded my head to our classmates who were staring at Chloe like she was crazy. 

She clamped her mouth shut and I leaned over and whispered in her ear. "And BTW, I am Nettie." She looked at me like I had 3 heads and I gave her a sheepish look. Ms.Bustier came in and everyone took their seats. She saw the note and read it. She smiled. "Okay, class. I have some exciting news! We have won a trip to Gotham for 2 months! We are leaving on Wednesday. You are only having half of your lessons today to give you time to pack." The class cheered and Lila spoke up. 

"Oh! This must've been set up by my Damiboo! He begged Bruce to let us come." I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Ms.Bustier didn't even say a thing. "As in Damian Wayne?" "Yeah! We've been dating for 3 years now. He wants to keep out relationship a secret because of the press. You guys won't tell right?" "Of course not, girl." A chorus of agreements came and Lila kept spewing lies and this and that. It took all my self control not to strangle her. 

It was finally lunch time and I burst out the classroom. I needed to get to Gotham like now. I could take off my cover and be my true self. I really needed to beat someone up. I grabbed my lunch and walked to my table and a hand slammed on my table. It was Alya. "What did I do know? Push Lila down stairs? Slap her? Beat her? Please tell me." She just smirked. "Nothing. I was just wondering why you have food in front of you. I mean your already fat enough. You don't need the extra weight. Maybe lose like 30, 40 pounds and Adrien might like you." I immediately lost my appetite. I pushed back the pain I felt from the words. I knew she was trying to get under my skin and hurt me and she already has but, I wasn't going to show her. 

She smirked when, I didn't say anything. "You really don't need it. I don't think Adrien would like you anyway. Your such a slut. You sleep with almost every young man you find attractive. I can't believe I was ever friends with you." She walked away and I pushed my plate away. My phone rang and I grabbed it and answered. 

"Hello?""Malak?" "Shaytan!" "I heard you are coming on Wednesday. Is that true?" "Yeah! It is a class trip. I can probably meet you the day after to shake off the jet lag." "Yeah! Actually, we are giving your class self defense classes on Thursday because this is Gotham.""Oh. I get to beat someones ass. Nice. I'll get ready to beat yours. Haven't done that in a bit.""Yeah yeah. I can't wait to see you- SHUT UP, TODD! IT'S NONE OF YOU, MONGRELS BUSINESS!"I heard muffled voices and shouts. 

I heard Damian sigh and a door slam. "Sorry. Those are my brothers. They think you're my girlfriend." When, he said that it came out bitter when he said that. "It is okay. You should be happy they at least think that. They could have said I was just your friend."He was silent before he spoke. "I would have to kill the heathens' for that." I giggled. We talked some more before we had to hang up because I had my last class and then I had to go to my apartment to pack. 

The last class was bearable because it was with all my friends and Lila wasn't it in! School was over in a flash and I went to my apartment. I grabbed my suitcases and started packing. I grabbed my watch which was connected to my suitcase and phone. I am really good with technology and hacking and whatnot and so, I made a high tech suitcase. 

It can follow me anywhere and it doesn't open with a zipper. I have to click a button on my watch to open it. I made the same thing for all my friends too. They all have suitcases, watches and phone made by me. The phones are super high tech and almost impossible to hack into. The watches are basically smart watches but, to access the stuff on it they have a special password to get in or else they lock. They suit cases are made of vibranium and other stuff I added so micro chips and shit to it and voila! 

I finished packing and then I grabbed my computer. I grabbed my computer, I finally perfected it, and face timed, Damian. He is older and his jawline is sharp and his hair is still gelled back. I always liked his natural hair better. He still has his tan skin but, his eyes are darker now. His eyes were a darker green. They had swirls of lighter green mixed in with them. They were hypnotic. 

We finished talking a little before midnight. We said goodnight and I changed into my pajama's and went to sleep. 

A/N: I hope y'all like it! Please comment if I do anything you don't like

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A/N: I hope y'all like it! Please comment if I do anything you don't like. I am always open to ideas if you want me to put anything! Thanks!

~ Danielle or 'Dani'

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