1K 76 1

Hunter Paxton

"What the fuck?" Sitting in my car, freezing my ass off outside Kirby's downtown apartment, I watch the strange scene unfold.. And the first thing I feel is extremely fucking jealous..

Who the fuck is this guy in the leather jacket, with his hands all over her, and why haven't I seen him before?..

Is she dating this asshole or something?

He wraps a hand around her throat before he pins her hard to her front door, kissing her like he owns her..

I can't tell if she is into it or not, since I know she isn't afraid of things getting a little rough.. So when she doesn't push him away.. The sight of them really makes my temperature spike and my blood boil..

Seriously.. Who the fuck is this guy!?

Leather jacket guy then leaves Kirby at the door, dumbstruck by the looks of her dazed sway..

Striding back to the roadside, he climbs into a black Porche with no licence plates, speeding off.. But not before I get a couple snaps of him through the lense of my surveillance camera..

I watch, unsure what is going to happen next, or where she is going.. She waits for him to be out of sight before she pitches to one side, leaning forward, hands on her knees, wretching and vomiting like that chick from The Exorcist, before she slumps to the ground, completely still..

My stomach drops, something is very wrong.. "Shit."

I'm out of the car without the slightest consideration for my cover..

She needs me..

Racing to her side, I crouch beside her and place two fingers against her pulse.. It's there.. But it's weak..

What the fuck is happening to her?

I scoop her up in my arms, moving quickly to get her into the backseat of my car.. Her eyes flutter open and she peers up at me, hazy eyed and confused.. "Viking?.. i-is that you?" She mumbles softly as I tuck her legs in through the door..

"Yeah, Duchess.. It's me.."

She sighs, a weak, pained breath passing her lips.. "I.. I don't.. Feel right.."

"I know.. Its gunna be alright, baby.. You're gunna be okay.."

"Am-- Am I dying?" She rasps fearfully..

"No baby.. You're alright.. I'm going to get you to the hospital.." I know I sound confident, but that's really more for her sake..

Because the reality is I have no idea if what I'm saying is true or not as I close the car door and slip back in behind the wheel..

Firing up the engine, I speed in the direction of Specter's medical facilities, making a last minute decision on the fly, opting for Specter, knowing I have to get her to the doctor, fast, and its a whole lot closer than the nearest hospital..

"You with me, Duchess?" Turning to check on her, I see that her eyes have fallen closed once again, the colour is still drained from her face..

My chest aches.. Seeing her like this.. It's all wrong..

So fucking wrong..

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora