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Hunter Paxton

I trail O'connor into the kitchen.. I don't know what his problem is, but it's starting to piss me off..

I could give two shits if he hates me, but the way he has been acting towards Kirby, like somehow she did something wrong by even tolerating my presence..

Well, it makes me want to take a swing.. Something I'm sure Kirby would not appreciate..

Lowering my voice so the girls wont hear I give him a solid tap on the arm, just enough to get his attention.. "What the fuck, brother?"

He leans against the counter, eagle eyes narrowed on me.. I know he's had it out for me since day one.. And he probably has every right..

Still that doesn't do much to ease the bitter taste that his and Kirby's relationship leaves in my mouth..

What is it with these two?..

"What?" He just shrugs..

Feigning disinterest in the entire conversation, when i can tell what he really wants to do is give me both barrels..

Crossing my arms and biting down on all the things I want to say.. Instead, attempting to be more tactful, for Kirby's sake.. Something I'm notoriously not great at.. "Look, I know you have in for me, but Kirby was looking forward to tonight all week.. Maybe you could lose the shitty attitude for a few fucking minutes.. Why are you being such a dick to her, man?"

He scoffs, standing up straighter and squaring his shoulders at me.. "Don' act like yer' know her.. Like ya' give a shit Paxton.. I know exactly what kinda' guy yer are.. But she doesn'.. Should I tell 'er?.."

Ah.. So this isn't really about Kirby..

Well, not entirely..

"What kind of guy is that, O'connor?" He was expecting more of a fight from me, but I've got nothing.. Arguing against my track record would be pointless..

I know what I've been doing.. What I've been avoiding..

He huffs, pulling a bottle of bourbon from the cupboard above the sink and pouring two glasses.. "The kinda' guy who's only interested in chasin' the unattainable.. Playin' it safe.. That's why yer kissed Yevie.. Right?.. She was always gunna' choose me.. And yer knew that, didn't ya?.."

Well, fuck me.. He's not wrong.. I've never really had it put to me in so many words, or so succinctly..

But yeah.. Thats pretty much how its always been for me..

I wouldn't exactly call it a fear of commitment.. More of an intolerance to it..

I don't know how I feel about giving him the satisfaction of an admission.. So I chose a more evasive response.. "Kirby is anything but safe.."

He nods.. "No, she's not.. Especially not in your hands.. If yer not jus' usin' her as some pawn, why haven' you reported to Ellerie and Iris that the Bratva is somehow connected to all this?.."

So, O'connor has been keeping tabs this entire time.. Immediately my mind goes to trying to figure out how much he knows.. "What?"

He rolls his eyes.. "Ya didn' think I'd figure it out, huh.. You plannin' on usin' her as leverage too?.. You've done it before.."

I step forward, challenging his statement and suspicious stare.. Sure I have made decisions in the past that not everyone agreed with, yes, but I resent his insinuation that I had ever used Yevette as leverage..

The woman made her own decisions, I just happened to to support her in those decisions..

And for him to imply I would do anything of the sort to Kirby, makes my blood boil..

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now