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Kirby Carter


The doctor's words echo in your head as the floor drops out from beneath you and the room spins..

This can't be happening..

This isn't real..

You feel the same sharp painful flutter rising in your chest from earlier as you lean forward, gasping to regain the breath that suddenly whooshes out of your lungs.. "Oh, Ow.." You whimper and squeeze your eyes shut tightly, trying to calm your racing mind as the pain subsides and the new terrifying reality sets in..

When you woke up this morning, this had been the absolute last way you imagined the day going..

Patrick helps you to lean back on the pile of pillows and strachy stiff hospital linen as you catch your breath..

"Why does this keep happening to her, doc?" You definitely hear a note of tension in The Viking's voice while he questions the doctor like he's in charge here..

The doctor shakes his head as he replies, clearly not wanting to confirm or deny anything just yet.. "We still need to run some more tests and set up an IV.. In the meantime, I can prescribe something to help her relax.. She needs to rest, so anything you two could do to mimimise the stress on Miss Carter would be ideal.."

You try to sit up.. "No.. I don't need rest, I need my phone.. Where is it?"

Paxton stalks over to the bedside, his features dark..

The man is more like a stranger to you now than ever before..

This trickster, who you let closer to you than you have let anyone else in a long, long time..

Maybe ever.. You let him inside..

You thought you had finally experienced something good.. And real.. Even if it was only for a night.. It meant something to you and it hurts to learn that you meant very little to him..

He narrows his eyes on you, his asks his question low and rumbly.. "What do you need it for?"

You glare up at him, the anger taking hold now, your nerves begin to buzz with a fierce energy.. "Fuck you.."

His passive expression doesn't falter, almost as if that is exactly what he was expecting you to say.. "I'll let you have that one.."

Patrick protectively steps up to Paxton, flexing his arms in warning.. But there's no point..

You are pregnant and beating the crap out of Paxton, as satisfying as that may be to witness, wouldn't solve anything.. You need to be smarter about this.. Because right now, your sisters life hangs in the balance..

You decide an attempt to appeal to Paxton might be your best bet..

"This is your fault motherfucka'! What the fuck is wrong with you man!?"

You reach out, grabbing Patrick's wrist, speaking in soft, soothing tones.. "Patrick.. Don't.." He listens this time, and you shake your head as he turns to you with sympathetic eyes.. "Can you.. Give us a minute?.."

"I'll be outside if you need me, alrite'?.." He nods, throwing one last dirty look at Hunter before he stalks out of the room..

The Viking waits patiently, watching as a smiley nurse, with cute blonde bangs, fits you with an IV drip and gives you two little white pills to swallow, along with a little paper cup of water..

It isn't long before the room is cleared, and its just you and Paxton left alone.. Each staring at the other, as if daring the other to speak first..

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now