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Kirby Carter

. . t h r e e m o r e m o n t h s . .

"He has just been acting kind of strange.. He is never at the apartment any more..and he is always taking mysterious phone calls.. Do you think-- Do you think he is cheating?.."

You look up from your green tea and avocado toast, surprised by Lucky's abrupt subject change..

She had seemed anxious upon arriving for your lunch date, but now that apprehension is written across her soft features..

Unsure how to answer her, you fumble through a clumsy response before shoving a crust into your mouth, just to stop talking.. "What?.. No-- um.. I don't know, Lucky.. Is that what you think?.."

Your rosy cheeked, polly-anna-pretty sister nervously twists the ends of her long golden locks as the chilly winter breeze whips around the cafe garden.. "I don't know what to think, that's why I'm asking you!"

You shiver, looking around at the handful of diners around you seated at the tiny tables of the midtown cafe..

The vikings was supposed to be parking the car but it is taking him an awfully long time..

It makes you uneasy, mostly because you know Darby has guys following your sister.. Ready to act if you try anything suspicious.. But you're not going to, if you can end this without Lucky ever knowing the truth, that would be for the best..

"Well.. How do you feel, then?.." Likely a more important question she should be asking herself..

She sighs.. Her crystalline hazelnut eyes glistening with tears, your heart strains for her, and that familiar gnawing guilt begins to edge its way into your conscious..

"I feel like maybe.. Maybe because I have been.. Saving myself.. That he has gotten tired of waiting.."

You freeze mid-sip.. "Saving yourself?.. I didn't know you were.."

She shrugs an impish shoulder.. "It has never felt right.. I want my first time to be with the man who is going to be my forever.. I want to be married before I.. You know.. Do that.."

She blushes and you try to keep the pure shock from your face..

Its not that you and Lucky never had some version of the talk.. You had tried.. But she had never given you much insight when it came to matters of her private life.. And you had never wanted to push the subject because of your father's terrible crimes against her..

"Well, thats.. That's a good idea.. I almost wish I had done the same.."
You look down to the protruding lump of your swollen belly and Lucky laughs.. Telling her about the jellybean had been scary.. But eventually you really couldn't hide it any longer, and you really didn't want to..

Unsurprisingly she had taken the news well, now she wants to meet the man who was able to capture your attention and distract you to the point you would allow yourself to get knocked up..

"Don't say that.. Kirby, you're going to be a great mom.. You always were to me.." She smiles warmly..

You look around again to see The Viking fast approaching down the street.. The collar of his long black coat pulled up to stave off the frosty air, his powerful legs striding surely towards you with purpose..

He looks like he could have just stepped off the front cover of a military man magazine, tattoo edition.. You still haven't gotten used to just how panty-meltingly attractive he his..

Maybe you never will.. Nervous butterflies swarm your belly..

Lucky chatters on, oblivious to how distracted you've become.. "I just hope this guy knows he hit the jackpot with you.. You're amazing, Kirby.."

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now