chapter 7

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Sadhvi's pov:

While going to park for meeting Geetha, I met my favorite aunt.

She is Sudha aunty. She lives in my neighbourhood. I'm actually a friend of her......

Our friendship started in my school days when she rescued me from the group of bullies.

When ever I come home I'd at least meet her once. She always supports me, and encourages me to chase my dreams.

She was the one who supported me when I said that I wanted to become a doctor.

My family was against my idea of becoming a doctor. They think that it will be really tough to get a free medical seat as we are not economically well.
And also my father thinks if I study MBBS it will get tough for searching marriage proposals.

As usually in India especially in an arranged marriage they think that man should be the most educated one.
If I study MBBS my prospective husband should have studied more than me. Even if we get one...... It will be hard for us to pay huge amount of dowry.

My parents thought all these and were strongly against my studies.

But as my Savior Sudha aunty convinced my parents.

Sudha aunty is in her sixties....... Her husband was in Indian army...... He died in her early years of her marriage..... She was pregnant when her husband died. She really worked hard to meet the ends. She was the one who raised her son while stitching clothes for money. Now her son got married  to a software engineer and is well settled in America.

Now she lives alone in the big house. I sometimes feel pity for her as no one from her husband's family supported her when he died.Even her maternal family did not support her as they were against her marrying uncle.

I smiled at aunty and said "Hi aunty how are you? "

She said "I'm fine Savi beta! "

I said "Sorry I'm going to meet Geetha. I will come to your house tomorrow. "

She said "It's okay savi.see you tomorrow. "

I waved at her at started moving towards the park.

I really like the park as it is full of greenery. All the children from neighbourhood come and plays here, but today it is unusually empty.
May be because today is a weekday.

I waited for Geetha for nearly twenty minutes .

My patience is running out. I stood up to have a walk as I'm bored sitting in the same place.

Just then Geetha came running to me.

I glared at her informing her that I'm angry at her for making me wait for 20 minutes.

She looked at me with her puppy eyes melting all the anger I had on her.......

I sighed and signalled her to sit on the bench beside me.

And I also sat on the bench.

We started talking random things and pulling each others legs.......

For sometime we laid on the grass and started browsing our mobiles.

She is a huge addict for instagram. Even I like memes but I'm not as crazy as her.

Suddenly she said "Savi ....
Can I ask you something?

I said "Yeah u can ask. But from when you started taking permission from me for asking something. "

She said "I want to talk about yesterday "

I looked at her confused......

She sheepishly smiled and said "That man?? "

I narrowed my eyes and said "What is there to talk about him."

She immediately said "For an instance, how you got lost in his world."

I suddenly lost my voice..... Not knowing what to say I said "Don't speak rubbish"

I can still feel the intensity of his grey eyes........

I never felt that someones eyes are this much captivating.

She mockingly said "Lost in his dreams? "

I narrowed my eyes and scoffed at her to prove her that I am not thinking about the handsome stranger.

And said "I'm not. "

She asked "Do you like him? "

My eyes widened at her question.......
How can she think like that.

I said "You know I don't want to love any man other than my future husband. "

She smirked and said "Why don't you marry him."

As much as I find the idea appealing, it can't be true. My handsome stranger is so handsome that I can't even be his match. His wife will be really lucky........

I said "May be I had a crush on him? "

I said that as a statement but it came out as a question.

Her eyes widened in shock "Are you openly admitting of having a crush on him? "

I said "Ahrghhhhh I don't know..... "

She said " Don't worry. He is so lucky to be your second crush. "she clapped her hands in enthusiasm.

I rolled my eyes "I never had a crush before"

She said "What about your brother in law(he is the son of my father's sister) "

I interrupted and said "Hey i just admired Vinay for his qualities. I never admired him. I just find that he has all the qualities I want in my life partner. "

She scoffed and said "How is it not admiring him? "

I explained her "I just find him sweet, but I never ever had felt anything towards Vinay. "

As If she got something from my words.... She said "You mean you feel something for that man yesterday? "

Not knowing what to say my lips formed into a thin line......

She smirked at me..... And said "You finally had a crush on someone"

I said "So what... It's not like I love him..... And also he is stranger. Don't know if I can meet him again??"

She narrowed her eyes and said "Stranger??? I think he is Ravi  sir's friend. I saw him with Ravi sir one time. May be he is in our college. "

I was flustered at the thought of meeting him once again......

I said "You are exaggerating things it is just a crush it will go away after few days... "

She smirked at me and said "Let's see"


Hello readers.....

Hope you guys love the story

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