The Nightmare Ball Turned Light

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TW: homophobic slang will be used. I will give you another warning when it comes.

Nova was silently reading Little Woman for what must be the hundredth time when there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in," Nova called in. 

In walked a woman. She had long blonde hair and cold blue eyes. She was tall and skinny. She smiled softly at Nova. 

The woman was someone Nova had mixed emotions about. 

The woman was Narcissa Malfoy. 

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Malfoy," Nova greeted. 

"Please, call me 'Cissy'," Narcissa spoke. 

Nova was confused. Narcissa was never openly hostile with Nova. But then again, they never spoke. She always came to help Nova prepare for balls, but they barely spoke. 

"Please, call me 'Nox'," Nova said. Narcissa raised an eyebrow in question. "I didn't really know what to say. So...I gave you something to call me, I guess."

"Well, Nox, we best get you ready," Cissy stated. "Let's get you in that corset."

"There is no bloody way I'm putting on that death trap," Nova stated, crossing her arms.

"You must," Narcissa stated, rolling her eyes. "Greta is insisting upon it."

"But, Cissy," Nova whined. "I can't breathe in it!"

"Come on, Nova" ordered Narcissa. "We haven't time to waste."

Nova walked into the bathroom attached to her room.

She studied herself in the mirror. Her body showed no change.

When Nova returned, Mrs. Morgenstern ordered Nova to only eat one meal a day. Nova, who had no say in the matter, was forced to only eat dinner. Even then, her proportions were considerably smaller than they normally were.

"You've become fat," her foster mother scrutinized.

Nova was having ice cream withdrawals. She missed the cold dessert dearly.

Nova reminded herself that there were those less fortunate and she needed to be thankful for what she had.

But ice cream! Nova's stomach would whine.

Nova didn't put the corset on. She just wore her normal undergarments, joining Narcissa to put the dress on.

Cissy chuckled as she saw Nova refusing to wear the 'death trap', as she had put it.

"What's so funny?" Nova asked.

"You remind me of my sister," Narcissa stated softly.

"Bellatrix?" Nova asked, scrunching up her nose in disgust.

"No," Narcissa answered, ignoring Nova's reaction. "Andromeda."

"Didn't she marry a muggleborn Hufflepuff?" Nova asked.

"Yes," Narcissa said, her voice becoming cold. Her face mimicked her voice. "Get your dress on."

Slowly, Nova stepped into her dress, careful not to mess it up. With Narcissa's help, Nova was able to zip the back.

By 'Narcissa's help' Nova means her arms were too short, and couldn't reach the zipper well.

"Sweet Merlin..." Nova murmured. The dress was beautiful.

Nova's dress:

Nova's dress:

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