Week One at Malfoy Manor

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TW: torture, panic attacks, miscarriage (will be explained in like two seconds)

Nova is pregnant. She and Harry did use protection. However, condoms are only 98% effective and Nova is of that 2% that did get pregnant from it. She had planned on using a potion just in case (as sort of a precaution). Unfortunately, she's been so caught up in the war, she forgot. 

Nova will lose said baby. She also does not know she is pregnant. She will only be roughly two or three weeks pregnant when she has a miscarriage.  

I have decided to incorporate miscarriages into this story for two reasons. One, they are extremely emotionally traumatizing. Two, they are painful and cause the carrier or mother to feel like they are not good enough. 

Now, my stance on abortion is pro-choice. If you don't know what any of that means, I'll tell you. 

Pro-choice means that I personally believe abortion should NOT be ILLEGAL (in America it's a huge thing right now). 

This is one opinion I will not in any way, shape, or form budge on. 

Carrying a child in your uterus for 9 MONTHS is painful and restricting. It's a lot to deal with. There's also the pain in child labor and the chance the mother and/or child will die in the process. 

I AM PRO-CHOICE! Deal with it. 

Anyways . . .on with the story!

Harry was wearing a hole into the ground. His hair was sprouting in all different directions. His hands were constantly running through it out of anxiety. His eyes were red from irritation and he looked emotionally exhausted. 

"Harry," Ron said softly. "Mate, you need to relax."

"You wouldn't be relaxing if it were Hermione who was missing!" Harry seethed. The last thing he needed was someone telling him to calm down. 

"So um . . ." Alex began. "How bad do you think he'll react?"

Sirius was too busy watching his daughter being thrown into a room to listen or acknowledge anything else was happening. 

"Boys! Get in here!" Hermione's voice came. "I think I can get this radio to work!"

The trio that was missing their fourth member had all agreed to find a way to know what happened. The best way to do that was through Potterwatch; a radio station designed for the Order and those who don't support Voldemort to know what's happening. 

"Bloody hell," Ron groaned. "It's password-protected!"

"Does anyone know the password?" Hermione asked. 

"I've been a bit preoccupied trying to figure out where Nova is!" Harry yelled. 

"Hello, and welcome to the First Potterwatch," a familiar voice came through the speaker.

"Harry . . .I think you figured the password out . . ." Ron stated.

"My name is Rapier," repeated the voice. 

"That's Fred," Ron said proudly. Hermione shushed him. 

"I regret to report that the wedding taking place at the Weasley's residence came to a traumatic end. Upon the news of the fallen Ministry, Death Eaters arrived. There were a total of ten casualties," Fred stated. "Royal, will you please share."

"I'm Royal," Kingsley Shacklebolt stated. His voice was deep and easily recognizable. "There were a total of ten casualties. Brenda Jones, Harper Land, Noah Stevenson, Greg Ford, Brandon Lee, Steve Henderson, Stacy Glunt, Velma Henderson, Helena Roe, and Susan Trout have all passed. We ask you to give a moment of silence for the fallen."

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