Pegasi of Death

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The rest of the summer was rather boring for most. Harry was cleared of all charges. Ron and Hermione are the new Gryffindor prefects. Mrs.Weasley had a run-in with a nasty boggart. Boring summer. Mainly because the kids were forced to clean instead of attending Order Meetings as they wanted. 

Nova didn't have those problems. She attended Order Meetings, which remained a secret to her friends, and she didn't have to clean every day. She trained with Mad-Eye for half the week. 

When she did clean with the others, it was always a blast. Nova would bring her boom box down, and they'd play music, dancing to the music as they cleaned. Kreacher and Binky even helped, much to Hermione's dismay. 

When the kids weren't cleaning, they completed their school work. When they were busy in any way shape or form, they were entertained by the loving chaos of the Lupin-Black family. The Lupin-Blacks made the Weasleys look like amateurs. 

"DA!" Nova yelled from up the stairs. "HAVE YOU SEEN MY EYELINER?"

"NO!" Sirius called from the first-floor bathroom with it in hand. 

In heaven, Lily, Dorcus, and Marlene were all complaining about Sirius running off with their stuff. Their mascara. Their eyeshadow. Their eyeliner. Sirius even stole Lily's skirt once. 

"YOU FUCKING LIAR!" Nova yelled standing in the doorway causing Sirius to jump three feet in the air. 

Everyone else at the kitchen table turned to Remus as he peacefully ate his Cocoa Puffs. Nova bought him the cereal while she was in the store. Remus has been obsessed ever since. 

A high pitched scream came from the bathroom. 

The residence of Grimmauld Place became worried. Next to Harry, Remus continued to munch on his Cocoa Puffs. 

"LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!" Sirius yelled pointing to his messed-up eyeliner and the black line that ran down his face. 

Nova and Sirius ran out of the bathroom. Nova running for her life. 

"Remus-" Molly tried but was interrupted. 



"DA!" Nova shouted. 

"Remus, maybe you should do something . . ." Molly suggested. 

Suddenly Sirius stopped running. He turned to Nova with an evil grin on his face. 

"I'm gonna tickle you!" 

"You. Wouldn't. Dare." Nova hissed. 

Sirius lunged forward causing Nova to run. 

"PA! HELP ME!" Nova yelled. 

"RUN, NOVA! RUN!" Fred and George cheered. 

"Remus!" Molly said sharply. 

Remus continued to eat his Cocoa Puffs. 

Nova ran into the dining room with Sirius on her heels. Somehow, the two managed to find wooden swords. The threat of Sirius tickling Nova and the eyeliner argument long forgotten. 

Fred, George, and Ginny were cheering Nova on. Hermione was shaking her head in disappointment. Ron was too invested in reading his magazine while he ate to notice. Harry, despite this being normal behavior, was too shocked to do anything. 

Both Sirius and Nova were grinning wickedly as they fought each other expertly. Where they got the skills and ability to fight with swords . . . Merlin only knew. 

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