Author's Note

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Hi! Goodmorning....or evening (depending on when you are reading this). I have a few things I want to talk about. 

First, thank you for reading! 

Second, I have changed something about this story. Nova is the daughter of Remus Lupin and Sirius Black who were engaged before obvious events. She is born from pure will be explained later on, don't worry. 

Third, make sure to space out the work you have to complete for school or work or whatnot. If you are anything like procrastinate until you can't any longer. 

Fourth, this story is obviously a story supporting the LGBTQ+ community. I will not stand for homophobic or transphobic (or anything else of the sort) comments. If you would like to say something offensive about the LGBTQ+ community, there are two options for you; keep it to yourself, or leave. 

Fifth, I am a huge feminist. I believe in girl power. That, however, does not mean I hate ALL men. As long as the male in question respects and treats women equally (and members of the LGBTQ+ community). I will also not stand for disrespect for men. We are ALL equal. It does not matter if you are male, female, non-binary, gay, lesbian, bisexual, asexual, demisexual, etc. 

Sixth, please keep my comment section somewhat peaceful. A disagreement is okay. However, what is not okay is calling others names and dragging them through the dirt. It's a lot easier to be brave behind a screen....just think about that 

Seventh, I have my own opinions. If you don't like my opinions, then ignore them or leave. 

For instance, I personally do not like Severus Snape. Even though I do not like Snape, I will not ignore the fact he did good in the Wizarding World. Another one of my opinions is that I love James Potter. I will, however, not deny he had his faults (like bullying Snape, he was out of place. However, I think Snape instigated it and played more into it as well...added fuel to the fire essentially). This is my opinion if you have a deep dislike for my opinion...ignore it or leave. I also ship Hinny, Romione, Fred and Life, Sirius and Life, Wolfstar, Remus and Tonks, Linny, Jily (yes it had its flaws but I still loved it), Umbitch, and a dementor (what's the ship name for that?), Peter Pettigrew and Azkaban, and Deamus (these are just off the top of my head...). 

Again...if you have any problems with my opinions....ignore them or leave. 

Actually, I change my mind. If you disagree with my opinions...calmly state why you don't like them. Do NOT call me stupid or something ignorant. They are my opinions! By definition an opinion is a view or judgment formed about something or someone, there are no "good" or "bad" opinions. I repeat...if you do not like some of my views, move on, politely contradict them, or leave. I am not saying this for my benefit, but yours. I can be a real bitch, and will own it till the day I die. 

Anyways...that's all! Thank you if you actually read this. I plan on updating soon.

So bye...I guess. 

I'm new to this...if you couldn't tell. 

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