Boggarts, Nightmares, and...Snuffles?

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The three days that Nova was in the sling were the worst. Being right-handed, Nova wasn't allowed to practice magic seeing as her right arm was in a sling. In reality, Nova couldn't do anything. She couldn't write. She arm wrestle. She could barely hold her kitchen utensils. Nova's burning desire to make chocolate chip cookies didn't help either.

Nova was completely reliant on someone (really anyone else) for three days. 

Her life was over

On her last day, Nova was ecstatic! She could get her sling off. The best part, Nova could miss part of potions!

Once Nova's sling was finally removed from her arm, she set off for potions class, making sure to take her time. She didn't have the patience to deal with Snape today (not that she really ever has the patience for the dungeon bat). Plus, she already had a date with Minnie for throwing a roach on Lavender Brown. 

Before Nova could make it to potions, she found Harry and Ron walking towards her. Then Hermione seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Nova knew there was something going on, but she figured Hermione would tell Nova if it was important, and didn't waste her time. 

"Hey, guys!" Nova called cheerily. 

"Hi, love," Harry greeted with a smile. 

"I swear, you purposely missed potions," Ron said grumpily. 

"Why would you ever say that? Ron Weasley, that is a very serious accusation. I would never miss potions intentionally. I love potions with the dungeon bat!" Nova replied sarcastically. Hermione rolled her eyes. Ron looked like he was trying not to laugh while still trying to be angry with his friend. 


After an uneventful lunch, the Golden Quartet and their classmates headed to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom with Professor Lupin, or as Nova referred to him as, Mr. Chocolate Man. 

Much to the disappointment of Nova Black, Mr.Chocolate Man was not in his classroom. As she silently waited for Professor Lupin to appear, Nova thought that perhaps he needed a new nickname. 

Willy Wonka came to mind. 

However, Nova decided against it. Willy Wonka terrified her. In the hopes of annoying her foster parents, Nova watched the Willy Wonka film, and read the book. The fictional man terrified her. 

Not only did this monster drown a child in a chocolate river, but he also turned one into a blue balloon, let one get attacked by squirrels, had slaves, and many more horrifying horrors. But the worst of all was how he found his prey. Through chocolate! What kind of monster uses chocolate as bait!

If Nova were being honest, she would've fallen into the trap. If she were being even more honest, she would love to drown in a chocolate river. 

Oh, look! It's a squirrel! Nova thought as she watched a squirrel run across a tree. Instantly, she named it Jeff. 

What if it's a girl? Nova thought again. Jeffina

Nova declared, solving the problem. 

"Good afternoon," Lupin said walking into class. He was as shabby as ever but looked healthier than he had on the train, as though he had had a few square meals. "Would you please put all your books back in your bags. Today's will be a practical lesson. You will need only your wands." 

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