Hogsmeade and Black's Break-In

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Harry had no luck with McGonagall. Ron was upset with what Nova said during Transfiguration. Hermione was grateful. Nova couldn't care less. 

In the meantime, Ron called McGonagall a lot of crude names. Names, Nova was not fond of but let him be angry. 

Nova agreed with Minnie and Hermione, Harry should at Hogwarts. However, she also thought her sperm donor could not get into Hogwarts. She would soon be proved wrong on Halloween Night. 

Once Ron and Hermione left for Hogsmeade, Nova was able to rope Harry into helping with a prank. 

In the end, the duo decided to charm the doorway of the Slytherin and Ravenclaw Common Rooms. As the unsuspecting students would leave their Common Room, their shoes would become right red clown shoes. 

After narrowly escaping Filch's punishment, the duo went to the owlery. 

Nova did not like birds. 

She liked Hedwig. 

She only liked Hedwig because the snowy owl loved Nova. This is why the moment Nova would step foot in the Owlery, she made a bee-line for Hedwig. 

Unfortunately, the duo never made their way to the Owlery. Instead, they were stopped by Professor Lupin. 

"Harry, Nova," he had called. "What are you doing? Where are Ron and Hermione?" 

"Hogsmeade," they answered in unison. 

"Ah," said Lupin. He considered their response for a moment. "Why don't you come in? I've just taken delivery of a grindylow for our next lesson."

"A what?" said Harry. 

They followed Lupin into his office. In the corner stood a very large tank of water. A sickly green creature with sharp little horns had its face pressed against the glass, pulling faces and flexing its long, spindly fingers. 

"Water demon," answered Nova, surveying the grindylow thoughtfully. 

"We shouldn't have much difficulty with him, not after the kappas. The trick is to break his grip. You notice the abnormally long fingers? Strong, but very brittle." Lupin said. 

The grindylow bared its green teeth and then buried itself in a tangle of weeds in a corner.

 "Cup of tea?" Lupin said, looking around for his kettle. "I was just thinking of making one."  

"Yes please," Nova replied happily. While Harry agreed awkwardly. 

Lupin tapped the kettle with his wand and a blast of steam issued suddenly from the spout. 

"Sit down," said Lupin, taking the lid off a dusty tin. "I've only got teabags, I'm afraid — but I daresay you've had enough of tea leaves?" 

Harry looked at him. Lupin's eyes were twinkling. 

"How did you know about that?" Harry asked. 

"Professor McGonagall told me," said Lupin, passing Harry a chipped mug of tea while he winked at Nova. "You're not worried, are you?" 

"No," said Harry. He thought for a moment of telling Lupin about the dog he'd seen in Magnolia Crescent but decided not to. He didn't want Lupin to think he was a coward, especially since Lupin already seemed to think he couldn't cope with a boggart. 

Nova, on the other hand, was examining the papers upon his desk. They were documents. Legal documents. 

"Anything worrying you, Harry?" Lupin asked. 

"No," Harry lied. He drank a bit of tea and watched the grindylow brandishing a fist at him. "Yes," he said suddenly, putting his tea down on Lupin's desk. "You know that day we fought the boggart?" 

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