Moody's Lesson

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Nova had a free period. She simply refused to return to step foot in the Divination classroom. She wouldn't even enter the classroom. Not even if there was chocolate involved. The only time she would enter that room was if she were dead. Even then, she would haunt whoever put her in the room. 

The youngest Lupin-Black was peacefully reading in the library when someone joined her. 

"'Ello, Diggory," Nova said turning the page. 

"Nice glasses, Lupin-Black," Cedric commented with a grin. He has never seen her with her glasses on. They were gold wire-rimmed. They were in circles shapes, but not like Potter's. They were more of an oval shape. 

"Thanks my dad got them for me. He said that I needed new one," Nova replied. 

"I thought your dad was a murderer," Cedric stated, studying the girl. 

She closed her book to look at him. 

"He is silly. Professor Lupin adopted me," Nova said, only half lying. As much as she loved her fathers, she had to keep the imagine she hated Dadfoot, and Pa adopted her. She didn't need the extra attention that the news of her birth would draw. "Black can rot in hell."

"Then why did you keep Black as you last name?" Cedric asked. 

Nova found herself wanting to tell the older boy about Sirius's innocence. No matter how much she trusted the boy, she knew she couldn't. 

"I guess no matter what, it'll always be apart of me. The dark and senile history that comes with it as well," Nova said earnestly. Before she discovered her father's innocence, it was the reason her last name remained Black. "I also hope that one day instead of disgust and distaste being associate with my last name, people will think of all the good things I have done. Escentially, saving my family name."

"You don't seem very dark and senile to me," Cedric said softly. Heat rushed to Nova's face. "Watcha doing?"

"Well, I was reading. But now, I'm talking to you," Nova said in a mocking tone with a teasing grin. 

"Very funny," Cedric rolled his grey eyes with an amused smile pulling at his lips. "I was wondering . . ."

"Yes?" Nova questioned, raising an eyebrow as she wrote with an old object onto a piece of parchment. Ink seemed to appear from no where, and there was no feather to the quill. 

"I was wondering if you-" Cedric began but never got to finish his sentence. 

Blaise and Theo stormed into the library and frantically ran towards Nova.

"'Ello boys!" Nova greated with a smile. 

"Duel . . .Potter . . .Malfoy . . ." Theo began through labored breaths. " . . .Article . . .Papa of Weasels . . ."

"He means," Blaise informed. "Malfoy was bullying Weezelbee about an article published trashng Papa of Weasels. Potter and Malfoy both said some stuff. Now they are dueling outside the Great Hall."

"Damn it!" Nova hissed. "One day! That's all I ask!"

The three boys looked at her. She took her glasses off, setting them in their case, which she place in her bag. 

She turned to the boys. 

"Sorry, Ced. I have to go make sure my best friend and brother figure don't murder each other and end up in prison. I'll talk to you another time." Nova stated sincerely. She turned to Theo and Blaise. "Now, Blaise, since you don't have the endurance of a fucking sloth, you will take me to the boys. Theo, you try not to vandalize the library, and don't try to steal anything."

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