Operation Peter Pan

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"Psst! Freddie! Georgie!" Nova hissed as she continuously poked Fred in his cheek. 

"What?" Fred whispered, sitting up on the couch in his flat he shared with George and Lilly. 

"Yes?" George asked. His ginger hair was splayed in all directions.

"I need your help kidnapping a child!" Nova hissed in a whisper. 

"What?" George shot up. 

"She needs help kidnapping a child at one in the morning, Gred," Fred hissed. "Do you need another ear to be able to hear?"

"Oh shove off!" George whispered. "It doesn't help we are whispering for no apparent reason!"

Suddenly, the dark room was illuminated by light. 

Fred hissed like Dracula. Nova jumped out of her skin, knocking a plant to the ground. George froze in terror.

"What the butter snaps is going on out here?" Lilly, George's girlfriend, asked as she groggily walked into the room. Her dirty blonde hair was frizzy and her eyes were barely open. 

"Nothing," Nova whispered. "You're dreaming."

"What are you doing here, Nova?" Lilly asked. 

"Right, but only in your dream, remember? You're dreaming, Lilly." 

"Why would I be dreaming about you in my flat?"

"I dunno, Lilly. It's your dream." Nova sassed. "Take responsibility for it."

Somehow, it worked and Lilly walked groggily back to her room. The room was dark again. 

"So what's the plan?" Fred asked. 

"First, please get dressed," Nova said as she looked at the twins. Both wore long mixed-matched socks and grey boxers. That was it. No shirt. No hat. 

"Admit it. You think I'm hot," Fred smirked as he winked at her. 

"One, I'm taken, Fred, pack it up. Two, keep your flirting to Angelina." Nova rolled her eyes as she pushed George off the couch so she could sit. "Be done in four minutes. I'm running on a time limit."

Two minutes and twenty-one seconds later, the twins scrolled lazily from their room. 

"What's the pl-"

George never got to finish his sentence before Nova grabbed their arms and apparated away. 

"What the bloody hell, Nox?" Fred groaned into the grass he face-planted onto. 

"A warning next time." George pleaded as he laid spread eagle on his back. 

"Sorry, boys," Nova grinned sheepishly 

"So . . .what's the plan."


"We're kidnapping Timmy!" George exclaimed excitedly. 

"Hell yeah! I love that midget!" Fred added as he jumped up from his position on the ground. 

"Technically we're helping him run away from his Death Eater parents," Nova corrected. "Blaise and Theo are helping him. We have a system sorta similar to the one used to help slaves escape plantations. They bring me a kid that needs to get to safety, and I find them a safe place to live. These are mainly the children of Death Eaters . . .as of right now. Timmy is the first to come. Most kids are too afraid to leave."

"So why did you bring us?" George asked. 

"Yeah isn't this something you would normally drag Ickle Ronnikins, Granger, and your husband to?"

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