Nova and Her No Good Very Bad Saturday

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TW: Child abuse and mental abuse against women

Nova laid in soundly in her bed, hoping for peace. She knew the moment she woke up, her peace would end.

Dressed in the typical clothing of a house-elf (a single pillowcase) Binky entered her young mistress's chambers.

"Mistress Black, Master Morganstern orders me to wake you up." Binky squeaked, electric blue eyes the size of tennis balls. 

Nova grumbled and tunneled under the blankets further.

"Binky, tell dear Mr.Morganstern I said he can take his demands and shove them up his arse," Nova grumbled hotly. There was one thing Nova hated, that wasn't the Morgansterns, it was being forced to wake up.

"Binky is not allowed to use such language, Mistress," Binky announced.

"Binky, please call me Nova. 'Mistress' makes me feel old." Nova old the house elf.

"Binky will follow Nova's wishes. But Miss Nova needs to go meet with Master for breakfast." Binky urged. "You know what happens when you displease Master."

"Thank you, Binky. Tell the manipulative arsehole I'll be down in a minute."

Once Binky left, Nova quite literally rolled out of bed. Tangled in her emerald green bedsheets, she had fallen to the cold hard floor.

Unintentionally, Nova thought about how each of her friends would react to her falling out of bed. She knew Hermione would shake her head and laugh, as she has done many times. Ron would fall to the floor with laughter, leading Nova herself to laugh. Harry would be concerned, and help her up. All would be silent for a moment, then laughter would follow.

Sadness shook Nova's body as she thought about her friends. She wouldn't see them for a couple more weeks. She would never admit it aloud in fear of sounding weak, but she missed her friends.

Finally deciding to get dressed, Nova pondered what to wear. Although it's never much of a problem, she wore almost the same thing every day. She always dressed to anger the Morgensterns.

Dressed in her signature black leather jacket, black converses, black ripped skinny jeans, and a Gryffindor red top, Nova headed downstairs.

"You should dress more like a lady," Mrs.Morgenstern would state with disgust. Nova would simply roll her eyes, and continue to dress how she so wished. No man or woman was going to dictate how she expressed herself.

However, when she arrived downstairs, she was not criticized for her clothes. Instead, she found Mr.Morgenstern sitting at the head of the table with a scowl on his face. His sickly blonde hair combed to perfection, and dark eyes full of hatred. Mrs.Morgentern sat, much like her husband, with a scowl on her stern features. Her dark brown hair tightly tied on the back of her head. Nova wondered if her head hurt from the tightness of her bun, but decided not to ask. Once, she had asked Minnie if her bun hurt. In response, Professor McGonagall hid a smile and said no. However, something told Nova, Mrs.Morgenstern would not be so kind.

"Goodmorning, Mister and Misses Morgenstern," Nova spoke in a bored tone. Her warm honey eyes drifted to one of the few windows in the manor house. "The weather is quite lovely this fine morning, don't you think?"

Nova was right, the sun was peaking over the horizon. the sky was painted pink and orange. Birds chirped happily as if celebrating a new day. Nova, however, found no point in celebrating at this ungodly hour.

"You are not to talk unless spoken to," Mrs.Morgenstern snapped hotly. Nova resisted the urge to roll her eyes, knowing the action would only make it worse. "Besides, we are to discuss a more important matter than the weather."

"Well, Mrs.Morgenstern, I'll have you know that the weather is in fact very important." Nova sassed, unable to stop herself. "It just so happens to be the perfect Quidditch weather."

"It is unladylike to play that wretched sport." Mrs.Morgenstern informed in a displeased tone.

"Well, I do not wish to be lady-like. Also, if you are to think you are lady-like, I'm here to inform you that some of your actions-" Nova responded. Not only did Nova inherit most of her looks from her father, but also his personality.

"Do not talk to her like that!" Mr.Morgenstern demanded. One would think he cares for his wife, but he does not. He is an abusive "father" and husband.

"We got word from the Ministry of a prison outbreak from Azkaban." Mr.Morgenstern stated.

"What do we-more specifically I- have to do with it?" Nova asked, annoyed.

"Your father escaped." Mr.Morgensterrn stated.

"Oh..." Nova said, unsure what to say. "Good for him, I guess."

"'Good for him'?" Mrs.Morgensterrn screeched. Mr.Morgenstern ignored his wife's outrage.

"We know you helped." the man stated.

"Why the bloody hell would I help him?" Nova demanded getting to her feet.

"Who knows why a delinquent like yourself would do anything." Mrs.Morgenstern snapped. Nova turned to glare at the older woman.

"You took me in. You could've left me at the orphanage. I was there till I was seven. I had no problem staying there." Nova growled.

"We took you in because you are the last of the Black line. We took you in because you are from the Noble House of Black. We took you in out of the kindness of our hearts." Mr.Morgenstern growled back.

"You don't have a heart," Nova growled. "You're mentally abusive. You call your wife fat in hopes of her looking like a damn model. You call her ugly. You give me the same treatment. You have used an unforgivable curse on me since I was seven."

"Let's see how well you listen after this." Mr.Morgenstern growled. "Crucio."

Pain. Pain. Pain.

That's all Nova could feel. She could not feel the cold floor under her body. She could not feel the pain in her throat as she screamed. All she could feel was the pain caused by a magical stick. Then, the world fell into darkness.

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