Ch. 10: Safety

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"Tell me."


"Please tell me?"



I snorted, trying to hold back my laughter at his genuine frustration about not being told what's being built.

"It's still a no."


I laughed openly this time, watching him as he rapidly chopped the last of the tree he had been working on, beyond frustrated.

We already had more than enough wood for the fishing hut, but Sapnap wanted extra just for other builds in the future. Which turned into him begging to know what we're building now.

I feel like he's playing it up a bit though, just trying to amuse me. My reason, I still see the somber look in his demeanor when he thinks I'm not watching.

"I think we have more than enough, Sapnap." I said after he chopped down another tree, noticing the way he was huffing and puffing for air while shouldering his axe.

"Alright." Sapnap agreed, turning to me before shoving his axe back in his bag.

"You look exhausted." I teased, motioning to the way his shirt was sticking to his chest with sweat and breathing so heavily from taking his frustration out on the trees.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, babe." Sapnap cracked a smirk at me, and I playfully rolled my eyes in return.

"I was gonna offer you an apple, but if you're fine..."

"If you feed it to me, I'd love it."

I glared at him for his cheek, turning on my heel and walking away to hide the smile I couldn't resist at his antics.


I started running, laughing at his frustrated yell before I heard him start chasing after me.

"You must really be tired if I'm out running you!" I teased, dodging around trees easily as I raced back for the river.

"Not for much longer!" Sapnap barked behind me, the faintest hint of a smile in his words that only made me grin at knowing he was enjoying himself.

Breaking into the pasture that led to the river, I took a breath really quick to gather myself for the last sprint.

I misinterpreted how far behind me Sapnap was.

"You stop and I'LL WIN!"

I screamed, racing down the hill away from him as he got too close. But just as I was nearing the bottom of the hill, my feet tripped over each other, and I went down.

Being in some blocky wilderness, it definitely didn't feel good to tumble the rest of the way down a hill. With how steep some parts of the terrain here are, just one little spot of the hill had me land hard on my arm as I got to the bottom and tried to break my fall.

Sapnap's shout of my name drew me out of my disorientation over taking a tumble, pushing myself up only to yelp at the sudden twinge of pain from my wrist. "Shit, shit, shit are you okay?" Sapnap was next to me in seconds as I cradled my now throbbing arm against my chest.

His eyes moved down to my arm, gingerly helping me to a proper sitting position before dropping his bag next to him and opening it.

"I think I landed wrong on my arm. I think it's my wrist." I admitted, watching him pull out a roll of bandages before looking back at me.

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