Ch. 48: Barriers

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Dream huffed lightly as I helped him sit back down on the edge of his bed, helping him get his shirt back off since he's so prone to getting warm.

I smiled at him when he met my eye with a grateful glimmer in his emerald eyes. "You're just taking care of all three of us now, aren't you?" Dream teased lightly, and my smile fell.

"Hush, you." I warned lightly, even though it had been my decision to tell him about the exploration that was yesterday in George's room.

"Hey, open channels. That means tolerate my teasing while I'm laid up bored out of my mind." I rolled my eyes, gently pulling his shirt off his injured shoulder. "Sap's still all goopy, by the way."

"I know." I am perfectly aware of how Nick is lazing about the base today, completely chill and relaxed. Wilbur even tried to antagonize him, but Nick didn't react like he would normally.

He just brushed it off and continued reading while stretched out on the living room couch.

"What did you do to him?" Dream asked lightly as he reached to further undress himself down to his boxers, so I sat on the bed beside him since I'm not helping with that.

"Apparently my hands are magical for back rubs, massages and this." I reached up for his still lightly damp dirty blond hair, carding my fingers through the hair at the back of his head and scratching a path down to his neck.

Dream let out a low groan, and I smiled proudly at how, even weakened and wounded as he is, I still could make him melt.

"That feels so good, keep doing that." Dream said when I stopped for half a second, continuing as he leaned back on his hands.

"Nick thinks so too. I spent an hour giving each of them a nice back and scalp massage, Nick fell asleep near the end and slept a few hours." I revealed, moving up onto my knees so I can reach easier with both my hands.

"Did they return the favor?" Dream asked, leaning back against me gently so I could take his weight off his healing shoulder.

"Technically, I returned the favor to them with that."

"Good, you deserve to be treated like the queen you are." My hands stilled in his hair at the phrase, the image of him going limp in front of my flickering across my vision of him. His last words being my queen. "Please, don't stop?"

I blinked down at him, willing the image away with the reminder that he's right in front of me. He's still alive, he's still breathing. He's still here, and I need to keep working to get him back on his feet so we can get him home with us.

I continued, letting the brief anxiety in my chest die away at contentment over how he's relaxing so easily under my touch.

"Finish undressing so I can get you laid back down." I reminded, tugging on the back of his sweats.

"Eager to see me almost naked again?"

"George and Nick already saw that, I'm good I think."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

I laughed at his genuine disdain with knowing that Nick and George have to help him with bathing, since he can't stand for too long without getting weak from the withering.

I waited for him to tug his sweats off before pulling the covers back for him to lay back down. "I heard they were unimpressed." I jabbed lightly, smiling innocently when his eyes snapped to me for my words.


"Yeah, they said they expected more from our leader." I nearly lost my composure and laughed when his offended look doubled, but he seemed to realize I was teasing because his eyes narrowed.

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