Ch. 55: Time For Us

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My eyes glided over the master work laid on the walls of the room, vaguely putting what's on the map together with what I know in my head.

A frown fell over my lips when I glanced over where Hillshire was, which was marked with an angry red X that even tore the paper as a show of how angry Dream—Clay. How angry Clay was when he marked it as gone.

Speak of the devil, his lips brushed against my neck and distracted me from trying to have any negative thoughts.

Clay had me sitting on his lap, cradling me against him to make up for the lack of time we've had with each other with our recently busy schedules.

His fingertips sent chills across my skin when he brushed aside my shirt from my shoulder, latching his lips onto my newly exposed skin near the nape of my neck and sucking gently.

I leaned back into him as his arm came back around my waist, running my own hand over his on my stomach.

Clay's never had an issue with showing his affection, but I know he prefers it in privacy since he wants to give me his undivided attention.

His lips popped off where I'm sure he's likely marked my skin with a red hickey, before chuckling against the shell of my ear and kissing my earlobe. "See, it's under your shirt. Out of sight." Clay purred as he fixed my shirt, chills running across my skin at the warmth of his breath against my ear.

"How long have you been working on these?" I asked, gesturing towards the maps covering the walls around us.

"Since I first got here." That long? How have we never known?

Clay stopped me from whatever I wanted to say next by lifting me, making me squeal at how effortless it is for him to do this, and turning me to face him on his lap.

His lips were curled into a prideful smirk as I narrowed my eyes on him. "You act like I'm gonna break you." Clay mused as I folded my arms over his shoulders, raising my hands to thread my fingers into his hair.

"You're a gentle giant, who loves to flaunt his strength on a girl much smaller than you." I corrected him, giggling when he laughed at me.

"Maybe I just wanted you to face me, so I could mark you up where you can actually see it this time."

"Oh, yeah? Where?"

Clay lifted one of my hands from his head, lowering it down to his mouth and kissing each of my knuckles as I watched him.

"I'm sorry you felt neglected because of me." Clay said as he moved down to my inner wrist, his eyes never leaving mine.

My heart thumped in my chest as he kissed my wrist, and I forgot for a moment what he was talking about as I basked in his adoration. "You've been busy."

"That's not an excuse." Clay spoke up, letting my wrist go to lean in closer to me.

My eyes fluttered shut when he dipped in, his lips brushing against mine before I kissed him back eagerly.

"You deserve to feel loved and appreciated. I let myself believe that I didn't deserve you, and let you feel neglected instead." Clay said against my lips when we barely parted.

When he tried to kiss me again, I pulled back. "It's not your fault, Clay." I noticed the way his body went a little laxer at my use of his name, fighting off the smile because this is important. "I should have asked if something was going on instead of getting frustrated so quickly and taking it out on you."

Clay's eyes fluttered shut, sighing through his nose as a sign to me that he really doesn't want to go back to this discussion so soon. "You just wanted a little more time with me. That's something I should have given you instead of the excuse that I'm tired."

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