Ch. 12: Comfort

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Dream hadn't come back until after dark that night. It was easily explained as I didn't end up finding him, a bold-faced lie that I would have felt bad for if I wasn't so hurt.

Dream and I didn't talk. I could feel his gaze on me for a while, and I noticed the way George and Sapnap looked between us.

I know they don't believe the lie, they're smart enough to see the tension.

But they're also nice enough not to ask.

Not talking for a few hours before bed turned into two days. Two days now without saying a word to one another. Two days without looking at him and that stupidly fixed mask of his.

Two days of swallowing back the ache at knowing he really didn't care and that it must have been the adrenaline. Because if it weren't, wouldn't he have tried talking to me by now?

Wouldn't he have stayed more than an hour past rising in the morning, and come back more than half that before going to bed?

Wouldn't he at least act like it hurt him too not talking to me, if he actually felt anything from what happened?

I silently watched as Sapnap undid the brace around my surprisingly already healed wrist. How it's healed already, I have no idea. But I'm not complaining.

"How's this feel?" Sapnap asked, testing my wrist gently with just his thumb and index as I flexed my fingers and rolled my wrist side to side.

"Like I never even sprained it to begin." I answered, forcing a smile when he laughed proudly at his work with my brace and helping me ice every few hours.

Force, because I could just barely see Dream through the new window George had built. Working with George on the fence, since now that those ill-mannered enemies were getting closer, we needed to defend ourselves better.

"Now you can work on that building that you STILL won't tell me what it is again." Sapnap offered, and my laugh slipped past the ache in my chest at his attitude over not knowing yet.

"Wah wah, poor little baby doesn't get to know yet." I teased, smiling widely when he turned his narrowed gaze on me.

"I'm going to let that one slide, because I need to go hunt. But I'll remember it." Sapnap warned, grabbing his bag off the floor and shouldering it. "You can come with me if you want?"

His offer was kind, and I knew I should consider accepting it, but I gave him an apologetic smile anyways. "Sorry, Sap. I'll stay here and finish the building." I said instead, feeling bad because he genuinely wanted me to go if that hint of a frown meant anything.

"Need me to get anything out there?" Sapnap asked as I stood to follow him outside.

"Other than what you already get, no. I'll have the surprise done hopefully by the time you get back." I answered as he held the door open for me before following out behind me.

I kept my eyes down when we were out there, not wanting to look towards Dream and George to our right. But I could practically feel the eyes on me, and looking at Sapnap I watched him as he sighed softly before realizing I saw him.

"When I get back, can we hang for a bit? Just talk?"

It was bound to happen eventually, that he would want to know what happened between Dream and I to sour our friendship.

"Sure." I agreed and followed him out to the gate before going towards the fishing hut to get back to work on it now that my wrist is healed.

The fences were double, slowly working up to triple, the height that they had been before. It wouldn't be as simple as hopping the fence now like Sapnap had done a few times, now we had to use the gates solely.

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