Ch. 61: Intoxicating

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(Psst, play the song when you see the cue)

Seeing this from the other side is something else. Watching the way the smoke billows out from the book and encases Dream. The way it lets go of him an hour later, and I nearly have to catch him if he hadn't braced himself against the table.

It's no wonder George and Nick were worried for me. Had I not already done it myself, I probably would have been a little panicked too seeing smoke surrounding someone I love and whisk them away into memory.

Clay fortunately wasn't as tired as I was, since he didn't watch as much as I did from the book, so we left Oswald to his salvaging of his books and took his one on the End to go read back at home.

"How do you feel?" I asked while we walked, the book clasped in one of Clay's hands and his other holding mine while we walked.

"Fine. I wasn't expecting it to look so realistic. I kind of want them to teach me how to use their magic now." Clay mused, and I had no doubt his smile on the mask probably matched his face below.

"I'm pretty sure we can't learn their magic, big guy." I replied, laughing when he whined dramatically.

"But what if I want to write a book for you, and let you see it in person?"

"Oh, and what would you write for me?"

Clay's head tilted my way, happy gaze falling to my own and tinged with his typical deviousness.

"Maybe I'd write you a short story about a damsel in distress waiting for her roguishly handsome Prince to come save her. About how she's dreamed of him forever, and when he finally rescues her, they-" Clay cut off when my hand came over his mouth.

I know exactly where his dirty mind is going with that.

I pulled my hand back out from under his mask, moving my eyes away from his mischievous ones and back to the road.

"You don't wanna hear the part about how he completely rocks her world as she knew it?" Clay asked, not at all deterred by my previous attempt to stop him.

"Considering I know your how your mind can be, not right now."

"Oh? How's about in the privacy of my bedroom?"

I turned back to him; certain he's smirking behind that mask of his with that offer.

"Is this because of last night? When you took a shower while I got to soak in your amazing bath?" I taunted him in return, laughing when his steps hurried, and he pulled me along with him towards the bridge across the river.

No sooner than we were over the bridge, he pulled me the rest of the way to the front door in a rush and barely into his room before he had me up against a wall, his arms braced on the wall beside me to cage me in.

I looked up at his gaze through his mask, boldly reaching up and pushing it to the side to see the sly smirk I knew he had even without seeing it before.

"You know, you're the world's biggest tease." Clay advised me, leaning down so his face was mere inches from my own.

"Me? You're the one that walked in on me in the bath, then chose to take a shower just across the room." I reminded, as I didn't tell him to come down to the bathroom.

(Play above song)

Clay's smirk softened before he leaned down and kissed me, one of his hands coming up to catch my chin between his thumb and forefinger.

I gasped into the kiss before throwing my arms around his neck, and he dropped both his hands to my waist to pull me closer.

The next minute was a blur of him lifting me as we kissed and carrying me until he was laying me back against the bed, his lips not parting from mine until he was scooting me up further into the bed to lay my head on his pillow.

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