Ch. 2: Taking Inventory

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I stared back at the first person I had seen since waking up in that pond for probably too long

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I stared back at the first person I had seen since waking up in that pond for probably too long. A white mask with a smiley face drawn on covered his face from view, a green hoodie covering his torso.

Before I could even open my mouth to ask who he was or even say, hey thanks for saving my life. I'd be dead if it weren't for you, he lunged at me.

I almost screamed again, but he grabbed me by the wrist and started pulling me towards the river.

"You shouldn't be out here this late, it's not safe." The man spoke as he dragged me into the cold water, his warm baritone voice a stark difference to the silence I had experienced until night fell.

It held confidence and strength. Something I couldn't feel out here in this wilderness.

His hand was firm, but careful gentle around my wrist. As if he thought I'd break from his grip as he pulled me through the chilly waters towards the other side of the river.

"W-wait! Where are we going? There's nothing for miles!" I finally spoke up just as he got us to the shore of the other side.

In the moonlight, I saw his head turn to look back at me. Dirty blond hair slipped out from under his hood as he cocked his covered gaze in my direction, but he turned right back around and kept leading me off.

Here I thought he might respond to my question...

With his hand firm around my wrist, and me not wanting to risk being out here alone with those monsters, I reluctantly followed the stranger with the sword as he hopefully led me to safety.

The walk felt long in the dark of the night. The sounds of bones rattling in the distance and groans of who knows what were terrifying, but the man didn't seem fazed by it.

Maybe he'd been here long enough to get used to it. Does that mean I'm going to have to get used to it too?

I heard a shriek in the distance again, and I realized it sounded familiar. Like what I'd heard off in the distance earlier. Why are we going towards it? Why isn't the man raising his sword?

"—stop Sapnap!" After a few more minutes of walking, I heard a shout carry on the wind to us from who knows where. that light? There's light in the distance! Is it a town? Are we almost to safety???

Moving closer, it was in fact light. Down the river was a small fence, lined with what looked to be torches flickering languidly in the dark of the night to light the way for us.

"We're almost there." The masked man revealed, tugging me along faster in the direction of the fence line.

As we got closer, I noticed how the river split slightly. It started to dip in towards the woods in one section, right where the fencing started to cover the edge of the river.

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