Ch. 40: We Need To Go Deeper

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It's time.

The lighter sparked once, twice before it lit the portal in front of us. A wavering, purple aura filled the obsidian portal in front of us. Otherworldly sounds filled the small room it stood in, curious and a bit intimidating.

This is it. It's time to go to the Nether. The harshest place we're going to be encountering so far in this strange world we find ourselves.

"Does everyone have everything?" Dream asked, pocketing his lighter and turning to face all of us.

I did one more check of my bag with the rest of our group. Yeah, my bag is ready. My extra change of clothes is there, my armor is there.

"Remember, Arius says we need to build a small shack around the portal in there out of stone." Techno reminded us, and I watched as Tommy and Tubbo prepared for that by grabbing stone bricks from their bags.

We're prepared and ready.

"Be prepared for any changes! When I went through, I got really dizzy and nauseous. But Arius didn't feel a thing. Expect anything to happen!" Bad wasn't smiling for once, completely serious.

Dream, Techno and Bad are leading this trip. The rest of us are to follow their leads. We've got to work harmoniously in here to make sure nothing goes wrong.

"Is going in here what made you look like that?" Tommy sassed Bad, pointing at his shadowy face.


"Tommy, stop. This is serious." Tubbo lectured our youngest team member, but Wilbur slapped a hand on the top of his head and squeezed.

"Ow! Ow, okay I'm sorry!" Tommy apologized, trying to pry Wilbur's hand from his hair.

"No more of that." Techno lectured both Wilbur and Tommy. "We need to focus in here. We don't know what we're getting ourselves into."

"Exactly. If someone says watch out, we all watch out. If someone says stop, we all stop. We know what we're looking for, we're looking for a large structure made of black stone bricks that Arius explained to us." Dream reminded, and he even had a book with more information in his bag.

"Are we ready to go?" Bad asked standing to the side of the portal.

It's now or never.

Bad went in first since he's already been there. The portal whooped loudly, before with a blink Bad was gone into the Nether.

Okay...this is it.

Dream went next, then Tommy and Tubbo. Then Wilbur went with Techno. Sapnap was almost giddy to jump in next.

"Are you ready?" George asked softly, his hand taking mine to lead me forward.

My nerves thrummed inside me. This is going to be rough, and we don't know what's going to happen once we get in there either. We don't know what's waiting for us, we don't know if we'll even find the pigman we're searching for.


George and I stepped in together.

It felt like stepping into water, the aura of the portal heavy around us. Then, with a whoosh, it felt like the whole world was spinning out of control.

I closed my eyes, stomach flipping and threatening to spew my breakfast back up. Everything kept spinning, and sounds rushed past my ears.

Until finally, the spinning came to an end, and I tumbled out of the portal with George.

I landed on my hands and knees; eyes still closed as my whole body still felt like it was spinning at a million miles an hour. My stomach fluttered and churned anxiously, and I regretted eating so much this morning.

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