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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Flashes of red and blue.

That was the sight that greeted him when he came upon the street where he lived; where his mom and Paul lived.

His father, Poseidon - "- Earthshaker, Stormbringer and Father of Horses. Hail, Perseus Jackson, son of the Sea God," tightened the grip on his shoulder, forcing him to stay put.

Percy knew the sight of them was odd as a police officer approached them, a grim look plastered across her face. Her hands were covered in bloodstains, a quick attempt in getting rid of the blood that had stained her hands. Her eyes glanced towards the ambulance that was quickly leaving the area as she muttered a quick prayer underneath her breath.

"Can I help you?" she finally asks.

Percy opens his mouths but the words refused to come out. His father nudges him, a small encouragement and he nodded, taking a deep breath to relax. The uneasiness he was feeling hadn't vanished.

"Uh - I lived here?" he says unconvincingly, shoving his hands into his pockets, grabbing his pen tightly in his pocket. "Can I go in? I haven't seen my mother for a long time."

She crosses her arms, suspicion clear in her eyes. "Sure. What's your mother's apartment number? An officer will be willing to take you there."

He hastily gives their apartment number and he sees a nearby eavesdropping officer drop his equipment as the officer in front of him drops her arms and refused to look into his eyes. Her eyes focused on the blood staining on her hands, some had even stained her uniform.

"Why? What's wrong?" Percy demanded, his voice getting louder.

Another officer approaches them, a familiar expression plastered across his face. He had seen that face before. "Your neighbour called 911, reporting about screams coming from the apartment. We arrived as quickly as we could but I'm sorry, we were too late. We discovered a deceased male - "

"No!" he screams out, pushing past the startled officers and entered his apartment building.

He raced towards his floor and he stops. The apartment door - his apartment door - was cracked wide open and there, he sees him.

He sees Paul - oh gods, what did they do to you? - and falls to the floor, sobbing. The floor was still wet and he kneels in the innocent blood that was spilt, just because Paul Blofis was his step-father. He hears footsteps behind him and a figure pulls him into a hug, forcing him to look away from the disfigured body of his step-father.

"He will be in Elysium, Percy," his father whispers. "I swear."

Then, he feels the god stiffened in his hold. "There's only one body in here. Where is Sally?"

"Sir," the previous officer enters into the bloody apartment, her gaze never went downwards. "We had also discovered an unconscious woman in critical condition. She's on her way on getting the care she needs."

A sliver of hope blossoms across his chest as he stares at the officer. The survival of his mother was his priority. He has to believe that his strong, caring, wonderful mother will survival.


She has to survive. She has to. If she doesn't, there's nothing left in this world to live for.

He already lost the love of his life. He already lost his best friends.

He cannot lose his mother now.

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