Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

"What do you mean a soul has found a way to appear into the mortal realm?"

Hades, the god of the underworld, casually drinks a glass full of blue milk as he lets Percy stare at him in horror. His cousins were barely even able to function properly as Hades' aura seemed to envelope them entirely, even after his uncle tried to rein it in.

"This is not another Riddle situation, nephew," he finally says. "This is an entirely different matter. It seems the soul was really adamant in escaping but still wishes to endure its torment."

The son of Poseidon stares at the god. "What?"

"You truly are Poseidon's son," his uncle murmurs underneath his breath. "Come, Perseus, we shall discuss without mortal ears in the vicinity."

Suddenly, Alfred appears, seemingly unfazed at the godly aura Hades was exuding. "Master Percy, allow me to take care of young Mistress Estelle."

"Thank you, Mister Pennyworth, for the offer. I shall borrow my nephew for a few hours," Hades replies as he grabs Percy's shoulders, shadow travelling them to a secluded place in a familiar place. 

"Olympus," the hero breathed out, a hand going towards a statue that seemingly looks like it was recently constructed.

Hades nodded. "Yes, the daughter of Athena did well. Athena is continuing her daughter's work with the help of her children. Now, come, this is an important matter."

"Of course, uncle," Percy nods, trying to pull his act together.

"It's the Joker's soul, Perseus."

Percy spluttered. "Excuse me?!"

"And, he is trying to control your uncle for reasons unknown to me," Hades huffs angrily. "The Fates are adamant in letting this slide until it is the right time."

"The right time?!"

His uncle stares at him. "You know, you are becoming like Poseidon even more. Even hints of his dramatic side is coming out."

"I can't lose another mortal family, uncle!"

"It does not mean he will die, Perseus," Hades relents. "The Fates likes to play around with their strings. You know that."

Percy crosses his arms. "I know, uncle. I was their favourite plaything. I still am, I think."

"There's something with your family that seems to attract the Fates like moths to a flame," Hades grunts, ignoring the thundering above him. "They may not like that comparison, but it is the truth."

"They've done nothing wrong! Why?" Percy pleads but, deep down, he knows why; his father's broken vow.

Hades places a hand on the son of Poseidon's shoulder, his obsidian eyes staring into his sea-green eyes. "Nephew, my vow still holds. I will protect you and your family to the best of my abilities."

"You're still a god held by ancient laws, uncle," Percy grimly smiles. "If the Fates... cuts his string, there's nothing I can do. I can only hope Estelle, Dick, Tim and Damian would not be their playthings."

"Estelle's protection is guaranteed, Perseus. After her birth, we struck a vow amongst us as payment for your deeds. We can only hope that the Fates would accept our decree," Hades sighs. "There is also the matter of secrecy of this issue, Perseus."

"What do you mean?"

Hades grabs his nephew's arms. "You are not to interfere with your uncle's fate. Deep within him, he knows of this and how it came to be, but it is his destiny to combat this. You are not allowed to raise an issue about this to your mortal family."

"No, uncle, I refuse! He is also a part of my family!" Percy glares.

"You tell him and his fate changes, and it may not be as good as you think it will be, remember that Perseus," Hades only says. "Swear it on the Styx."


Hades stares into his eyes, and he sees the pleading look aimed towards the son of Poseidon. "As a god, I do not beg but, for your safety and the continuing existence of this world, I beg you, nephew; swear on the River Styx."

"I swear on the River Styx to not talk or tell anyone about this unless they know of this issue firsthand," Percy whispers, sealing his uncle's fate.

The last thing he sees is his uncle's worried gaze as he plummets to the ground in a dead faint.

Author's AN: Finally managed to log in to my account, so apologies for that! I'm not sure why but I lost sixteen chapters worth of updates and I'm a bit mad and frustrated as it took so much time to write them down. Hopefully, I am able to rewrite it again and see you next time!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2021 ⏰

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