Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Percy could only stare at the crib, ignorant of his surroundings. He knew a few days had passed. His father had already left, promising that his mortal family would be welcomed in Elysium and would report this to the Olympian council.

He was accompanied by two police officers, acting as protection detail for him and his newborn sister. They knew of his past problems but knew he was not to be blamed for his family's deaths. Luckily, both officers were Roman legacies who knew of the recent Giant War and its aftermath.

"Mr Jackson, I'm Captain Grant," a man entered the private hospital room, extending a hand towards Percy. "I would like to offer my condolences to the loss of your mother and step-father."

Percy shakes the man's hand, gripping it firmly. "Thank you but that would not bring them back."

"I know, kid," he says sympathetically and Percy faces the other direction, refusing to see the pity evident on a stranger's face. "Your family was a target and it was not known why. Until we started digging into your mother's past. Did you know she ran away?"

He whipped to look at the captain in disbelief. "What?!"

Percy could only stare as the captain gave him several files to look through. He scowls as his dyslexia seems to have gotten worse as he slowly finished reading the first page. He throws the files on a table in frustration and winced as the noise was loud enough to have woken up his sleeping sister. Luckily, the Fates were on his side and she kept sleeping.

"Stupid dyslexia!" he mutters underneath his breath but the captain seemed to hear him.

Captain Grant winced, picking the scattered files. "Shit, I'm sorry kid. I forgot. Let me read 'em for you."

"Just give me the basics," Percy waves it off, unwilling to think about his mother - dying, please no, don't leave us mom - anymore.

The blonde-haired man nodded. "I understand. Your mother was suspected of running away after she reached eighteen, leaving behind her guardian and twin brother. At first, Gotham City's police department thought it was a kidnapping and scoured the entire city in search of clues. They only suspected that she ran away after finding her belongings were missing and that there was no evidence of kidnapping had occurred in the manor."

"Wait, excuse me, 'manor'?" Percy asked incredulously, staring at the captain in shock. "Mom lived at a manor?"

"Kid, she was Braelyn Wayne, twin sister to Bruce Wayne."

Percy sat down on the hospital chair in disbelief. He wasn't that dumb to have not heard of Bruce Wayne, the billionaire industrialist that Annabeth had dreamed of working with. There were rumours amongst the Hephaestus cabin that the billionaire was responsible for designing most of his company's technology. His Wise Girl was adamant in trying to obtain an internship in an amazing company.

"It's a shame that it's in one of the most dangerous cities in the world," his beautiful Wise Girl sighed, her stormy grey eyes looking into his. It was a brief reprieve from the war as they travelled to Greece, almost forgetting the pain they had endured in their trip to Hell. "I would've liked it there."

It was a blur as the captain continued blurting facts about his mother's previous life. His mother had lied to him but that lie had cost him nothing. She would've still met Poseidon and had him. His mother would've still married that abusive bastard to protect him from monsters. His mother will always be his mother even if she had changed his name and lied about her life.

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