Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Percy hugs Estelle tightly against his chest. She makes a soft sound against his hold, eyes closed as she continues to sleep. He was currently waiting for Bruce to call for him down to the infamous cave. He was still rattled against Diana's attempt to punch a hole through him and her attempts in apologising for abandoning their family.

Arthur sits next to him stiffly, warily eyeing his surrounding as Poseidon would suddenly appear and poke him to death using his trident; just for being this close to his favourite mortal demigod son and his adopted daughter.

Damian was leaning against the wall, staring at Estelle in a puzzled manner. "I cannot imagine myself being this vulnerable, Jackson. Easily trusting a person to take care of me."

"At one point, Damian," Percy gently spoke to him. "Your mother, in her own way, must have cared for you. You were her flesh and blood."

The trained assassin only snorted bitterly. "I was just a weapon in her eyes—an heir to a league of assassins. Being with Father... is a stable life."

"If calling being his partner fighting against crime is considered as a stable life," Percy smiles at the boy. "Damian, you are not a weapon. Remember that."

He hands Estelle to a surprised Arthur, who nervously holds her as if she was an atomic bomb; not a baby. He gently pulls the boy into a hug. Damian stiffens but finally relaxes into the hold. The son of Poseidon grins as Damian's manners slightly reminded him of Nico's.

"Master Percy," Alfred enters the room, an eyebrow raised as he sees the two boys hugging. "Master Bruce is calling for you. Master Damian can lead you to the entrance. I will handle young Mistress Estelle. Have a good evening."

Percy lets Damian go and beckons Arthur to follow them. The half-Atlantean hastily gives Estelle to the British butler. Naturally, the baby huffs in frustration, slightly awake due to the rapid movements. Percy cooed as he places a gentle kiss on her forehead and lets Alfred go to put her to sleep in her crib.

The group walked silently towards a large antique grandfather clock. Damian fiddles with the clock and instantly, it moves to reveal the entrance to the cave. Arthur hummed, impressed with one of Bruce's mechanised entrances. Percy exchanges a look with Damian, knowing that it wasn't the only entrance hidden around the property.

As they walked down the steps, Damian places his domino mask over his face, slightly obscuring his features. His easily identifiable features, which were his eyes, was easily covered by something Percy wasn't familiar with. The son of Poseidon only knows that the mask helps them during patrols and while they fight against criminals.

They arrived to a group of heroes nervously standing around the large Batcomputer, hovering behind Bruce. He spots Wonder Woman, Superman, Cyborg, Green Lantern, Flash, Martian Manhunter and Hawkwoman.

"Percy, Robin," Bruce says as he stood up from his chair.

Robin nods his head, greeting the group. "Father. Heroes."

"Sup," Percy waves, ignoring Diana's attempt in making eye-contact. "I'm Percy."

Instantly, the Flash races forward to shake his hand. "I'm the Flash! So, what's that about a son of Aphrodite and Hermes and other stuff? Thought all the gods faded or something."

Simultaneously, Percy, Arthur and Diana winced as thunder crackled above them, easily heard even in the deep caves of Bruce's hideout. The other heroes only looked on in confusion.

"The gods do not like to hear that, Barry," Diana warns him.

Superman stiffens. "Why did you mention his identity in front of a civilian? An intruder-civilian? And, you mentioned that the gods are no longer with us, Diana."

"It was for my world's safety, Clark," she crosses her arms. "If the world knows we existed, we would be hunted down."

Percy snorts. "Please remove yourself from the 'we'. You won't be hunted. You're Wonder Woman. We're the ones that will be hunted down like animals. You abandoned us, remember?"

"Percy, please," Bruce sighs, cutting Diana's retort. "I understand the animosity between you and Diana, but we need to work together."

"Your uncle is right, Perseus," a familiar female voice says. "Do not be too bitter."

The heroes spun around. They were greeted with the sight of a familiar goddess leaning against the Batmobile, eyeing it with curiosity and slight amazement.

"Lady Athena," Arthur breathes out in surprise. He kneels with his head bowed.

Diana kneels as well, her head bowed down, not willing to look into the eyes of the goddess of wisdom. Percy does not kneel, staring at the image of Annabeth in front of him. He sees Athena's eyes slightly teary-eyed, and he knows that the goddess was thinking about her favoured daughter as well. Athena lets Arthur stand back, but she does not greet Diana.

"Perseus, my favoured daughter's heart," she greets him instead. He was surprised. He thought his heritage would cause Athena to try and insult him. "You have the right to hold a grudge against our blessed champion. During the wars, she wasn't there. I understand, but the council already holds a grudge against her for not even attempting to contact us. The demigods also hold a grudge against her. Do not be like us. Be better, Perseus."

Diana doesn't say a word, sorrow clear on her face. Percy shakes his head violently. "They're dead, Lady Athena. Dead. She could've helped us."

The goddess only turns away, her eyes staring into each heroes' gazes. "I know, son of Poseidon, they could've been saved. Because of her, I lost more of my children in both wars. But remember, Perseus, we all lost someone. Even your father."

"He didn't lose Triton," Percy scoffs. "Tyson's alive. I'm alive."

Athena gently shakes her head. "No, Perseus. You may be alive, but you are lost to us. Your father feels that keenly. Annabeth would not wish for you to wallow in your sorrows."

"Wise Girl," he only says, letting his tears fall. He feels Bruce gently grabbing his shoulder in a silent show of support. Damian stands beside him, a strong figure showing him support.

Athena turns to stare at the kneeling Diana. "Stand, Themysciran."

Diana flinches, the harsh voice of Athena seemed to strike her deep into her heart. "Sister, I -"

"No, Diana," the goddess rebukes her mortal sister. "My grief stops me from seeing you as a sister. You abandoned our calls to arms. You were our champion; acting as a line of defence. You didn't answer our calls. As a chosen champion of Olympus decreed by the Fates, I cannot take back my blessing from you. Some part of my being wishes to call you sister once more, but your actions have driven a wedge between us. Even Apollo, one of the most easy-going gods amongst us, is upset with your actions. He tried to stay positive; even if he was the god of prophecies. He knew you wouldn't come, but he still hoped our champion would answer us."

Diana can only stare at the goddess, silently tearing up. Percy looks away as he didn't want to feel sorry for the blessed hero that could've changed the outcome of the war.

The goddess sighs as she turns her back towards us. "Perseus, make this alliance work. We believe in you."

"Close your eyes!" Arthur yells out as Athena starts to glow. "Unless you want to get incinerated!"

The goddess of wisdom leaves the cave; the scent of books seemed to permeate through the air as she leaves behind a stunned group of heroes and a crying champion.

Author's Notes: Thank you so much for the love and support from the previous chapter! I tried my best with this chapter, and hopefully, you enjoyed this! See you in the next chapter!

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