Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Look, Wayne Manor may have looked splendour and magnificent, but Percy was not an average mortal. He was a demigod who visited Olympus multiple times. He was also the boyfriend of the architect of Olympus; responsible in redesigning Olympus after the Second Titan War.

"I assume Olympus is much more magnificent than this," Bruce seemed amused as he shoulders Percy's bags.

Percy could only grin as he rocked Estelle gently. "Even after all this time visiting Mount Olympus, it has never ceased to amaze me, especially after redecorating the place."

Alfred opens the large doors, beckoning Percy to enter the manor. He glides in, his eyes glancing around as he tightens his grip on his newborn sister. Estelle remains quiet, but her small body was slightly tense as if she could feel something in the air.

Suddenly, he sees a familiar glint coming towards him. He quickly drops the floor, one hand holding his sister tightly against his chest, his body covering hers. He hears the knife landing on the wall with a thud. He responds in kind. His other hand grabs one of his hidden knives - specially created by Tyson - and throws it at the general direction where the throwing knife came from.

He hears a clang. He recognizes the sound. It was the sound of a knife being deflected using a sword. Hours of practising with the other demigods in both camps had trained him to recognize any possible sounds when weapons clashed.

"Damian!" his uncle barks, glaring at the staircase. "You do not throw knives at guests!"

Damian steps away from the shadows; a sword tightly clutched on his hand. Percy was slightly surprised to see a young boy glaring at him, eerily reminiscent of Nico. The boy was dressed in what he could only describe as a ninja outfit. He places his sword back onto his scabbard and crosses his arms.

"What's this, Father?" the boy demanded. "You found another replacement?"

Bruce could only stare at Damian in disappointment. "Damian, did you not listen to the talk we had?" 

"I deemed it to be insignificant," the ninja boy sniffed. "I see this replacement is a downgrade; bringing a babe into this mission."

Percy growled as he stood to his full height. "I'm not replacing anyone! I'm Percy, Bruce's nephew. This is my sister, Estelle."

"Father does not have any siblings," Damian narrows his eyes.

"Huh, your psychotic mother really did not tell you everything," mused another voice.

"Shut it, Grayson," Damian fumed. "No one asked for your opinion."

Grayson smirked. "To answer your question, Bruce had a twin sister who ran away. Recently, he found out he had a nephew and a niece."

"That's me, by the way, hello," Percy waved at them sarcastically with one hand. "And, this is Estelle. She was born a week ago,"

Damian scrutinised him. "Where's your mother?"

"In Elysium, heaven, take your pick," Percy shot back. "Can I go now? Estelle needs to change."

Alfred approaches him. "I can do that for you, Master Percy."

Before he could protest, the British butler takes his sister away from his arms. He sees the stoic butler playing with his sister before vanishing into the manor. Bruce only shakes his head at his disappearing butler.

"Elysium?" Damian asks suspiciously. "Curious choice of an afterlife."

"Normally, when someone finds out that a person lost their mother, they would give their condolences," Percy points out for him, staring down at the ninja boy.

He scoffs. "I would have offered my condolences if it was truly genuine."

Before Percy attempted to assault the boy, Grayson steps in and offers his hand at him. He accepts it and shakes the man.

"My name's Dick Grayson!" he chirped, reminding him of Apollo. "Bruce adopted me when I was a young boy."

Percy looks at his uniform. "Percy Jackson. Uncle Bruce didn't tell me that you were a police officer."

Dick's cheeks turned slightly red as he nervously scratched his head. "Well, I would have changed clothes, but I found out you were coming here and I wanted to meet you!"

"Drake was right when you act like a golden retriever," Damian said in amusement at his adopted brother. "As you know, I am Damian Wayne. I am Father's biological son."

Percy nods sagely. "Ah, yes. Your mother was the assassin lady that Bruce mentioned."

Both Damian and Dick turned to look at Bruce in disbelief.

"You told him about Talia?"

"You mentioned Mother?"

Bruce crossed his arms. "He knows about me. He deserves to know about the rest."

"How?" Dick demanded.

Percy shrugs. "When you pray to the gods, seeking permission to tell your mortal family about your life, you kinda give them some leeway to converse with you in your head and tell Hades knows what to you."

"A half-blood!" Damian surprisingly guessed it right. "The rumours were true!"

He narrows his eyes. That sounded dangerous. "Rumours?"

"Grandfather had heard about demigods supposedly existing in our world, but he could never prove it. Wonder Woman was the only exception, and no one else revealed themselves. He thought it was a dead-end," his cousin explained. "Who's your father?"

"You said Wonder Woman is your cousin," Bruce says. "That rules out Zeus being your father."

Thunder rumbles above the manor, and he slightly winces. "Mom has always said that names have powers. Be aware of them."

Dick snapped his fingers. "Poseidon!"

"Not Hades?" Percy asked, wondering how they came to that conclusion quickly.

The police officer made weird motions using his hands. "You kinda don't have that 'death vibe' around you."

"'Death vibe'," he snorted out in amusement. "Wait till Nico hears about this!"

"A son of Hades?" Bruce wonders. "How many demigods are there?"

Percy violently shakes his head. "Not as much as we had a few years ago."

Before anyone could respond to that statement, a man appears nearby, dressed in a delivery man's uniform. He grins at them as he holds a large package.

"Package for Perseus Jackson!" Hermes greets them! "Sup, cuz! It's a nice place! Not as great as my palace but still, it's nice!"

Percy groans, palming his face in frustration. Gods, immortal families are eternally messy and annoying!


Author's Notes: There's a reason why the gods are quickly revealing themselves. It will be explained in the next few chapters! Hopefully, I can push more of the original plot (Batman: Arkham Knight) into the next few chapters. 

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