Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Percy leaves the squabbling heroes behind, letting Damian lead him upwards back to their home. He was itching to hug Estelle tightly. He was truly surprised by his reaction to the appearance of Athena. It was her stormy grey eyes that led him to remember his Wise Girl again.

Again, he felt his loss keenly. The love of his life was gone until he embraced his death. He honestly wondered when the Fates would cut his string. Hopefully, he would not die a tragic end like other Greek demigods because he still had a promise to keep.

Damian poked his arm. "You trust Aquaman to tell them about your role as an ambassador?"

"Dad probably sent him a message about my tasks," Percy shrugged. "After all, Arthur does work for him."

"Is he not a king?" Damian asked curiously. "He calls himself the King of Atlantis and wields the Trident of Poseidon?"

Percy slightly winces, his head aches as his body unconsciously changes posture. "It's called the Trident of Neptune, not the Trident of Poseidon. Dad holds that trident. Arthur wields a weapon that was blessed by Dad's Roman form, Neptune, hence, the Trident of Neptune."

"What's Neptune's trident called?"

Percy shrugs. "He still calls it the Trident of Poseidon as Dad is much fonder of his Greek aspect rather than his Roman one."

"What about his title as the King of Atlantis?"

The son of Poseidon finally lets out a laugh. "Oh, it's just a facade. Dad lets him use that title in the surface world but underwater, Dad is the true king of Atlantis. He does the decisions for Arthur."

They finally arrived upwards and were greeted with the sight of Nightwing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of milk while dressed in his gear. His lips tilted upwards, seemingly amused at the sight of the trained assassin boy being friendly with the Greek demigod.

"It was that bad," Dick grinned. "Usually, you'd argue with the big shots, Damian. What changed?"

The boy shrugs. "I had no appetite to argue with stubborn adults who are still arguing even after being proven of the existence of the Greco-Roman pantheon."

"And, that was with Lady Athena appearing in the cave," Percy half-heartedly smiled, his Wise Girl appearing in front of him once more, before disappearing again. "Also, the Norse and Egyptian pantheon does exist. I'm not quite sure of the other pantheons."

Dick crossed his arms. "Really? Why is that?"

"We aren't supposed to know of the existence of other gods. The only reason why I knew of them was due to my bad luck. I was mostly at the wrong place at the wrong time," the son of Poseidon replies as he grabs certain ingredients from the shelves. He makes a disgusted look as he remembers his adventure with the Egyptians. "Hosting gods? Hades no."

"Your world is quite strange, Percy," remarked Damian as he sits down on a stool, eyeing Percy's movements.

Dick coughs his drink out. "You called him by his first name?! Why don't I get called by my first name?"

"Because, Grayson," Damian stares at his adopted brother cooly. "You're an asshole, and I still harbour some dislike towards you."

Percy cackles as Dick gapes at his brother, who only smirks as the son of Poseidon continues to prepare the ingredients necessary for his mother's famous blue cookies.

"Why did you bring out blue food colouring?" Damian finally asks. "If I'm not mistaken, you're making cookies."

He shrugs. "My mom taught me her blue cookie recipe."

"Why blue?" Dick seemed confused. "I love blue as much as the next person, but putting it on a cookie seems like a little too excessive."

Percy smiles. "Before Paul, Mom married this asshole whom I used to call Smelly Gabe. He... wasn't a very good man. One day, he said that there was no such thing as blue food, but Mom disagreed. The next day, she started to make all kinds of food dyed in blue. It became a tradition that I had always loved, and it also showed Gabe that Mom still had a rebellious streak within her."

Damian narrowed his eyes. "Your hatred seems to curl around the air. You detest the man."

"Was that a question, Damian?" the son of Poseidon seemingly ignores the hidden question as he focuses on mixing and battering. 

Dick scoffed. "We know you're hiding something, squirt. Bruce trained me since I was a child. His mother trained Damian since he could walk."

"Look, he was just a piece of shit, alright?" Percy snapped. "So, why does it matter if he had pushed me around? It doesn't. He's already dead. Leave it."

He feels the air starting to crackle, the ocean nearby seemingly becoming more chaotic and underneath, he could slightly feel the turmoil from the Underworld. He turns to look outside the window and, was surprised to see the weather outside had changed quickly.

"What?!" Dick's gaze darkens, the happy-go-lucky guy that Percy was familiar with seemingly vanishes. "He abused you?! Did he touch Aunt Braelyn as well?!"

He flinches violently. He truly hated that word. "I... don't know. I only saw her get hit before he... disappeared."

"Disappeared?" Damian stares into his cousin's sea-green eyes.

A razor-sharp grin spreads across the hero's face. "I had a spoil of war—Medusa's head. Mom decided to use it. He will never hurt us again."

"Hmm, is he in Hades's domain?" his ninja cousin asks.

Percy stares at the boy in confusion. "Uhh, I think so."

"What should I gift the Lord of the Dead to convince him to give extra punishment to that disgusting man?" Damian asks, pulling out a tablet seamlessly from his person. "Bodies? Blood? Hair?"

The room's temperature starts to drop, and Percy could see his cousins started to shiver due to the cold environment. It was unnatural, but he recognised the aura that created this chill that they were experiencing.

"Nothing at all, Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul. Payment is unnecessary, especially from my favourite nephew's mortal family."

Author's Notes: I'm finally free for a day to finish up this chapter! I've been so busy with classes. I'm terribly sorry for the late update! Hope you enjoy this new chapter and thank you so much for reading this!

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