Chapter 8

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

The Watchtower personnel had led him to the barren conference room, stating that Wonder Woman would be alerted to his presence. He only nodded and sat down, letting his eyes wander around the futuristic design the tower had implemented. His Wise Girl would've loved this.

"Perseus," greeted a voice.

He stiffened and spun around, looking at a familiar black-haired and blue-eyed princess. The warrior princess smiled at him, but her eyes betrayed her. He sees guilt and sadness at his standoffish manner. He couldn't help himself; Diana was a part of their immortal family but had barely lent a hand to help them during both wars. He felt betrayed even if he had never met the princess before. His uncle - her father - had barely explained why his all-powerful daughter was out in the mortal world fighting against evil and had not helped her family in their greatest time of need. He only knew she was supposedly busy with mortal politics.

"Diana," he could only say to his cousin. "I assumed Uncle Zeus has explained why I have an appointment with you."

She shook her head as she takes a seat. "No, cousin. Father has only told me that I should see my cousin, the favoured demigod amongst the gods."

"Favoured?" Percy snorted as he joined her on the conference table, seated opposite of her. "I have angered gods and goddesses alike. I am no one's favoured."

"Your humble manner blinds you, Perseus."

Percy grumbles. "It's Percy."

"Fine, Percy," she corrects herself. "What has Father tasked you with?"

The son of Poseidon hands her the papers that Hermes had given to him before he left the manor. "Papers from the Olympian Council, including the details of the council's aims with the Justice League."

She goes through the papers quickly, which were written in Ancient Greek. He sees her eyebrows rising higher and higher until her eyes widened to look at him. "The gods would go through this? After all their efforts of lying to the populace in an attempt to ensure that our family would not be hunted down?"

"The gods will protect my family and friends at all costs, Princess Diana," he stressed that and he feels slightly guilty at Diana's flinch. "My duty as ambassador will only be between the Justice League and the Greek-Roman pantheon. No other mortal governments will be involved in this alliance."

The princess shook Percy's slight insult off. "This is highly irregular, cousin. Batman will never accept this nor would Superman."

"Oh, he has accepted that I will become an ambassador," he gave her a smirk. "He knows that the gods have not faded nor are they in between dimensions. He has relented in the knowledge that I will be liaising between the Justice League and the gods."

Diana stiffened. "You tampered with his mind?!"

"That's what first came to your mind?" Percy lazily drawled out, rolling his eyes. "That I tampered a mortal's mind? You must be spending too much time with Bruce too much. Presuming the worst."

She yelled out a cry and slammed a fist against his chest. Luckily, he was wearing armour blessed by the gods and was able to stop her fist from making a hole through his chest. Even though he was above Earth, he can feel the raging of the seas below him; his father angered by Diana's hasty action.

He dodged another incoming strike, and he runs out of the conference room, ignoring the glances from working personnel. He spots a busy Aquaman and grabs the pseudo-king, surprising the man. He manages the wrangle the half-Atlantean into an empty room, locking it, successfully hiding from the rampaging Themysciran princess.

"My lord!" he yelped in a manner unbefitting for royalty. "What is the matter?"

Percy shook the man. "It's Diana! She thinks I tampered with Bruce's mind!"

"What?" the befuddled Aquaman asked. "Does she not know what has happened in the mortal world?"

The son of Poseidon grimly smiled. "I don't think so if she's trying to kill me. She punched me with her blessed strength."

"Oh, dear gods," Arthur cursed as he grabbed Percy's body and eyed him carefully, ensuring he had no wounds. "Good, you are uninjured. Your father would have killed me if you returned with an injury from the daughter of Zeus."

"I had armour made from the underwater forges, especially designed by Tyson," Percy off-handedly remarked as Arthur nodded, recognizing Tyson's name as the general of Poseidon's armies. "It was also blessed by the Olympian gods after I had accepted the task they had offered to me."

"Ah, the ambassadorship," the half-Atlantean seemed amused. "I had thought you wanted to spend time with your sister, Bruce and his birds?"

Percy sighed. "I have fought in two wars. I have never truly known what peace feels like anymore, Arthur. I need something to do. I love my sister. I want to know more about my uncle and his family."

"I sense a 'but' somewhere," Arthur slightly teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Lord Mars," he slightly winced. "He convinced me. He said I needed to embrace the memories of the wars, instead of burying it. This... job will help me. Somehow."

"I also sense you hold a slight grudge against Diana," Arthur pointed out. "You don't hold that same grudge towards me. I barely helped in the two wars."

Percy only winced. "You were in the oceans, defending it from Oceanus and the forces of Gaea. You had helped us, especially in Dad's realm."

"You don't know if Diana was busy," Arthur remarked.

"She was busy with politics," Percy spat out. "At that time, we were fighting for our lives. I saw demigod upon demigod slaughtered by monsters from Kronos's armies. I saw demigods fighting against their friends, their siblings. Where was she when we needed her the most? Where was she when Thalia's tree was poisoned and threatened the camp's safety? Where was she when Atlas was released from his burden, and our enemies kidnapped Lady Artemis? Where was she when the famous labyrinth appeared and poured our enemies into our supposedly safe camp? Where was she when the Titans came to New York? There were barely a hundred of us marching to defend our family! I can't even begin to ask where was she in the duration of the Second Giant War, Arthur! I feel like she abandoned us!"

"Percy - "

"You know who was the youngest casualty during the Titan War?" Percy asked darkly. "He was only eleven years old. A son of Aphrodite tried to save his friend, a son of Hermes before he was cruelly cut in half by an older demigod. Tell me, Arthur. Is my grudge pointless if one of the strongest demigods to exist did not lend a hand?"

Author's Note: I couldn't help myself. Supposedly, Diana has many backgrounds. She was supposedly a daughter of Zeus, a daughter of Hades or even the daughter of all the gods. In this world, I chose her to be a daughter of Zeus, who was blessed by the twelve Olympians (Hestia and Hades did not bless her as they were not a part of the council until the Second Titan War), decreed by the Fates to do so. An ultimate weapon to defend their family. Since Diana now exists in this world, I didn't want to rewrite canon too much. Since Percy's fatal flaw is personal loyalty, I'm assuming that Percy considers his immortal family deserving of his loyalty. Diana was a part of the family until she had not lent a hand to aid them. He would feel betrayed about this.

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