Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

"How was patrol?" Percy absentmindedly asked, feeding Estelle as Alfred assisted him.

Tim spat out his food. "You knew?"

"Get with the times, Drake," Damian rolled his eyes.

Tim spun to look at Bruce and Damian. "When did that happened?"

"When I arrived," Percy answered as Estelle finally finished, giving her to a willing Alfred. "Oh, I think you weren't present?"

Damian offered. "I think you mistook Drake with Grayson, Jackson. It's understandable."

"Oh, you devil spawn!" fumed Tim as he lunged at the boy across the table.

Damian dodged and grabbed a hidden knife, pointing it towards the Boy Wonder menacingly. "Don't call me that, Drake!"

"Enough, for Zeus's sake!" Percy moaned as some food started to fly across the room. "I just want to eat before I have to meet Diana."

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "Diana?"

"Yes," Percy answered in confusion. "Diana? Black-hair? Electric blue eyes? Tall? Themysciran Princess? I thought you know her? She mentions you quite a lot."

"Oh," both his biological and adopted son stopped fighting and stared at Bruce, who only looked away.

"Wait, why would Wonder Woman meet with you?" Tim wondered. "Aren't you a civilian?"

Damian off-handedly remarked. "She's his cousin."

"Cousin?" Tim's eyes widened in surprised. He groaned, "oh, this should teach me not to skip important meet and greets. How is Diana your cousin?"

"She's a daughter of Zeus. I'm the son of Poseidon," Percy answered. "Oh, I might also have to meet with Arthur."

Bruce stared at Percy. "Arthur Curry?"

"Yup," Percy nodded. "Dad had mentioned a meeting with him, but I keep forgetting. I think I have to bring Estelle with me."

Alfred shook his head. "Nonsense, Master Percy. The young mistress can stay at home with me. I know how to take care of a baby."

The teen smiled, thanking the British butler for the offer. Estelle wasn't truly in danger as she was fully mortal. She may only be in danger if people in his world knew of her existence, but he doubts it. Additionally, since Bruce was the Dark Knight, the manor was bound to be equipped with the latest defences mortals can offer.

The current Robin made a T motion with his hands. "Wait a damn minute, you're the son of Poseidon? I thought the gods faded or were stuck between dimensions?"

Thunder rumbled above them, almost cracking the windows. Percy stared at the clouds, scowling at them. "Will you stop that, Uncle? It truly proves Dad's point of proposing you to become the god of drama."

"Now, you're talking to the clouds," a deadpanned Tim Drake says. "You know what? I'm going to crash. I patrolled the city up till 5. Good morning!"

The son of Poseidon could only stare as his adopted cousin flounced out of the dining room, heading towards his own bedroom. He turned to look at Damian with a questioning glance.

"Yes, Drake has always been like that," the trained assassin answered, drinking a glass of milk. "His brain will start functioning after he gains his fitful rest. Now, when are you going to meet the princess?"

"Uhh, she mentioned before lunch," Percy shrugs. "We have lots to talk about, especially about her whereabouts during the wars."

Bruce eyed him. "That is a topic that is not suitable to be heard in public."

"Why do you think she invited me to the Watchtower?" he glanced at a scowling Damian. "What?"

The boy crossed his arms. "You get to go to the Watchtower? Why can't I go?"

"You aren't ready, Damian," Bruce only said which seemed to infuriate Damian even more.

He glares at his father. "Just because I was raised to be a killer that doesn't mean - "

"No, it's not that!" the Dark Knight cuts him off. "Damian, you are still considered a civilian, and until you can get a hold of your attitude, you will not take up the mantle of Robin. Even then, you will need to train with the other young heroes, just like Dick did. Just like Tim is."

Damian scoffs. "The Young Justice? Pfft."

"Damian, go get ready. You'll be joining me at headquarters today," Bruce ignores his son's remarks. "After all, you wanted to review your birthright."

A mischievous gleam appears in Damian's blue-green eyes. "Ah, is the profit margin still down in Argentina?"

"You can go review your birthright," Bruce gave him a smile. Damian nods, leaving the four of them behind. Alfred picked up Estelle, 

"Weirdly, Damian reminds me a little bit of Nico," Percy off-handedly remarked. "The son of Hades."

His uncle raised an eyebrow. "The god of the dead."

"Nico was only a child when he found out he was a son of a god, especially the son of Hades. He was constantly feared, but people always forget that he was still a child. He grew up too fast," Percy sighed, remembering Bianca's death. His negligence had caused her death. "Damian never had a childhood. He grew up, training to become an assassin and take the mantle of his mother's organization. He's now with you. He also grew up too fast, but he has something Nico doesn't; a father."

"Hades is there, is he not?"

Percy bitterly chuckled. "Gods have never been suitable parents, my own father included. All demigods have mummy or daddy issues with their godly parents. Sometimes, it can even lead to hatred. That was what caused the second Titan War."

"How old were you?" Bruce asked.

Percy looked away from his uncle. "I was fifteen, turning sixteen. The final battle happened in Manhattan. All of us were plagued by the prophecy, especially me. After all, prophecies that came from the mouth of the Oracle always came true."

"What did it say?"

"A half-blood of the eldest gods shall reach sixteen against all odds. And see the world in endless sleep, the hero's soul cursed blade shall reap. A single choice shall end his days, Olympus to preserve or raze," Percy quoted the prophecy off from memory. He could never forget that prophecy that had plagued him since the day he found out he was a demigod.

"You were the half-blood of an elder god," Bruce muttered. "Your father must've known."

"Yes, he did. I was cursed the day I was born. I was cursed to have a difficult life of a hero. After all, my father broke a vow. A supposedly unbreakable vow that should've punished my father. Instead, that punishment landed onto me; his demigod son."

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