Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Percy swaddled Estelle, letting her drink the warm milk he had prepared as he softly sang a lullaby to her.

"Hóson zêis, phaínou. Mēdèn hólōs sù lupoû," he smiled as he softly touched her baby cheeks. "Pròs olígon ésti tò zên. Tò télos ho khrónos apaiteî."

"Perseus," his father's voice called out.

He spun around, clutching Estelle tightly against his chest. To his surprise, he sees the familiar rainbow hovering in the air, the Olympian council clearly visible in the Iris Message. He nervously sees a few of them staring at him with a predatory look in their eyes.

"Gods, dad!" Percy glared at Poseidon who only responded with an amused grin. "Don't do that!"

The god of the seas only shrugged apologetically. "I'm sorry, son. Is that Estelle?"

"Yes, isn't she beautiful?" Percy asked, glaring at Ares who was going to say something derogatory but relented. "Anyways, what's up?"

Look, if Percy were younger, he wouldn't be acting casual to the gods who had the power to blast him into smithereens. But he had gone through two wars for his immortal family, costing him his almost-mundane life as well as the lives of his friends and family. He deserved to act like family with the Olympian council, especially since most of them were his godly cousins, aunts and uncles.

He spots Hera rolling her eyes, and he couldn't help himself. He stuck his tongue out at the goddess of marriage. He was greeted with a glare, and he could only smile innocently at the cow. After all, he had extracted a few godly promises from them.

One of the promises was that they couldn't blast/curse/maim/kill/destroy (anything that could potentially hurt and kill) him and his family for being impertinent.

"Perseus," Hades could only sigh exasperatedly. "Would you please stop goading Hera? As much as I enjoy her face turning different shades of yellow, we do need to talk."

Percy raised an eyebrow as he turned to look at Hermes. "Yes, we certainly fucking do. What in Uncle's name was that, Hermes? I suspect my mortal uncle was having a mental breakdown."

"He doesn't," Apollo pointed out.

The son of Poseidon groaned. "He could've had one! He may be the Dark Knight of Gotham, but if I recall, he's a mortal!"

"Hush, you'll wake up the baby!" warned Artemis. He forgot that the moon goddess was also known as the goddess of childbirth. "And, yes, Hermes, I agree with Perseus. Why did you meet up with the mortals a few hours after he revealed that he was a demigod?"

"Diana had passed along messages about the Dark Knight, and he sounded cool!" Hermes chirped from his throne, eyes focused on his phone.

Athena stared at her half-brother. "You're telling me that you met the mortal because you were a fan?"

"Yes?" Hermes replied.

"Hermes!" Artemis and Athena yelled out, pulling out their own respective weapons. Hermes yelped as he tries to escape from his murderous sisters.

"Daughters, sit!" Zeus thundered. "It may not have been part of your plan, Athena, but we have no choice but to go forward."

"Go forward?" Percy asked, confused.

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