Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Percy knew his maternal family was rich. Heck, Bruce Wayne was always plastered across numerous magazines, most of them highlighting the fact that he was a rich man. He really did not expect for a limousine to park outside the hospital, surrounded by harpies.

No, not monstrous harpies. It was the mortal kind -  the press and paparazzi. 

"Give way!" barked the legacy of Mars, glaring at them as he ushered Percy into the large limo, the door swung open by an elderly man. Percy clutched Estelle tightly, who was bursting into tears due to the sheer chaos that had surrounded him. He placed a hand across her face, covering her from the bright flashes. He was mad; they were taking pictures of him and Estelle!

"Bruce Wayne!" a reporter shouts out, shoving a microphone towards Bruce's face. "Is it true? Did you find your missing twin sister? Is it true that she left behind two children?"

He didn't hear his uncle's response as the police officer gently shoved him into the limo, closing the door. Luckily, the vehicle had tinted windows which closed off any more opportunities to take pictures of him and his sister.

"Greetings, Master Perseus," a British voice greeted him from the front. To his surprise, the elderly man had already entered the limousine.

Automatically, he corrects the elderly gentleman. "It's Percy."

"Ah, Master Percy then," the man smiles. "I am Alfred Pennyworth. I work as a butler in Master Bruce's manor. I have also raised both Master Bruce and Mistress Braelyn after their parents' murder."

He cooed at his sister, who slowly has stopped crying, her grey-blue eyes swerving around the area, curious at the change of environment. "You raised my mother? What was she like?"

"Rebellious," Alfred responds quickly, smiling at him. "She grew up to be a strong, independent young lady. She would never back down from a fight, especially with Master Bruce. It seems like she passed those traits onto you, young Master Percy."


"You took care of the safety of young Mistress Estelle before your own. You shielded her face, prioritizing her privacy before yours," he points out.

Percy shrugs. "I will turn eighteen soon, and I'm already a big boy. Estelle... she's only a few days old. She doesn't deserve to be in the spotlight just because we are related to the Wayne family."

The blood test results came back a few hours ago - done by experts in Wayne Enterprises - confirming that he was truly Braelyn Wayne's son. He still prefers to remember his Mom as Sally Jackson-Blofis. The woman who sacrificed more than a decade of her life married to an abusive and disgusting man. The woman who loved him unconditionally, knowing that he was a troubled kid due to his godly blood.

"You and young Estelle will be one of the heirs of the Wayne family fortune," Alfred cautions him. "The vultures will start circling around you soon. If they cannot touch Master Bruce, they will start approaching you, just as they did to Master Dick, Master Jason, Master Tim and Master Damian."

Percy tilts his head in confusion. "I thought Bruce only has three kids?"

"Master Jason is a difficult subject, especially to Master Bruce," the butler says sadly. "His body was found in the rubble remains of an explosion."

He turned cold. "Who did it?"

"The Joker did it," he coldly replied, grief still evident in his face. "He had kidnapped Master Jason a few days prior. Sadly, Batman was too late to stop him."

He clutched Estelle tightly, who finally fell asleep after the chaos outside the hospital. "Was he ever caught?"

"He passed away six months ago from a disease in Arkham City," Alfred replies. "One less insane villain terrorising the streets of Gotham."

The door opposite to him finally opens, and Bruce enters the limousine, the bright flashes from the cameras seemed to bathe him before he shuts the door.

"Let's go home, Alfred," Bruce orders the British man who only nods. He turns to look at Percy, an apologetic look plastered across his face. "I'm sorry about the chaos. I thought it would remain private."

Percy snorted. "When a famous billionaire walks in a hospital in New York without a care in the world while being led by a police officer and a social worker, I would be surprised if we weren't surrounded by reporters. Sadly, I wished they hadn't taken photographs of Estelle."

"Oh, I threatened them about that issue," his uncle says nonchalantly, causing Alfred to sigh exasperatedly as he kept his eyes on the road.

"What in Hades?" he stared at his uncle. He silently winced as he sees Bruce narrowing his eyes at him. Great, he just cursed using his uncle's name. His mythological, supposedly does-not-exist uncle. He can feel his Wise Girl slapping him and sarcastically congratulating him.

Bruce waves his hands. "You don't need to worry about it. Now, I understand that your father is not Paul Blofis?"

"Yes," Percy replies. "Mom only told me that he was lost at sea."

Bruce raised an eyebrow. "That implies you do not know your father, Percy. But according to Captain Grant, you arrived at the apartment with a man who you identified as your biological father."

Percy winced. Ah, Styx. He hears thunder rumbling above, and he sent a silent apology for cursing using Styx's name. Was he allowed to reveal about his identity as a demigod? 

Rumble once for yes, rumble twice for no, he silently prays to the gods in his head.

He hears the rumble, and he scowls. That could've been considered as a one or two!

For my brother's sake, Perseus! Zeus's voice cursed at him in his mind. That was just one rumble! You may tell the mortal bat-hero!

"What do you mean to tell the mortal bat-hero?" Percy asked out loud. 

Suddenly, Bruce clutched his free arm; the one that wasn't holding Estelle. "Mortal bat? Percy, who are you talking to?"

"Oh, the Greek-Roman gods," he says nonchalantly. "You might think that I'm insane, but the mythical gods are real. I was asking permission to tell you."

His uncle lets him go and seemingly looks calm. "Did you get permission?"

"Ah, yes?" Percy eyes him warily. "Why are you calm about this?"

Bruce grabs something from his coat and places it in his free hand. He opens it, and his eyes widened as he took in the familiar weapon. He remembers Leo trying his best to replicate this device even though Jason and Frank had told him that his dragon was enough.

"Isn't this a Batarang?" his Seaweed Brain was working full time as he clearly hears Alfred sighing, a similar sigh to Annabeth's when he asked something dumb. "How did you get this?"

Bruce ignores his question. "The reason why I am calm because I know that the mythological gods exist, especially the Greek gods. After all, Wonder Woman is a demigod, is she not?"

"Yes, sure, she's my cousin who she didn't lend her help during the previous wars, but let's get back to my question," Percy shoves it back, and he hears Alfred groaning and cursing underneath his breath. Oh gods, his head is truly full of seaweed. "A Batarang that belongs to Batman? How did you get this? Why did you mention Diana? How do you know Diana? Wh - Oh..."

Percy stares at Bruce. It finally hits him.

"You're the Dark Knight."

Author's Notes: Percy finally knows of Bruce's identity as the Dark Knight. Bruce finally knows of Percy's identity as a demigod; cousin to Diana of Themyscira. I will be expanding more in the next chapter. See you in the next chapter!

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