Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: All characters, settings, etc., are the property of their respective owners. Any original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. I am in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.

Suddenly, the room was bathed in red light, and a loud alarm started to blare around the entire Watchtower. Percy's monster-proof phone started to ring, and he sees that it's Bruce's number.

"Neptune's underpants!" Arthur cursed beside him, forcing Percy to hold back a snort at the curse. "Diana must've sounded the alarm!"

"Intruder alert!" a monotone voice called out. "Intruder alert!"

Percy answers his phone. "Hey, Bruce!"

"What the hell is going up there, Percy?" he demanded. "Diana has alerted the entire Tower, citing an intruder and the possible compromise of one of the League's members."

Percy bit his lip. "Well, um, don't get mad, Bruce, but she thinks you're compromised."

"What?!" his uncle barked. "Percy!"

The son of Poseidon scowled at his phone. "Bruce! I only said that you had accepted the fact that I will be an ambassador! She instantly assumed that I manipulated your mind to accept the fact that the gods wanted an alliance with the Justice League."

"And you didn't say anything to deter her from thinking that?" Bruce half-asked in a deadpanned manner.


His uncle groans. "Perseus!"

"Oh, Hades, you said my full name," Percy mutters out loud, slightly wincing at the familiar scolding tone that his mother used to use at him. "I only said that she must've hung out around you for too long if she starts to thinking pessimistically."

Arthur pokes his arm. "You can't stay here forever, my lord."

"It's Percy, Arthur!" Percy hisses. "Anyways, Bruce, I have to go before they find me."

"Percy, I'm heading up there!" Bruce barks. "Don't do anything stupid until I get there."

The son of Poseidon sighs. "Yes, uncle."

He stares at his phone, warily waiting for the infamous Batman to pop up. Then, he realised that the Dark Knight was still on Earth. After all, the Watchtower in space, orbiting Earth. Bruce was on Earth. In Gotham City.

"Oh, Zeus," Percy cursed. "I'm stuck here till Bruce gets here?"

The half-Atlantean grabs his arm. "Please do not do anything stupid, Percy! Your father will disintegrate me if you get killed on my watch!"

"I'm just going to poke my head out there!" he says defensively. "Look, I'm wearing my armour! You do not need to worry about me."

Percy grumbles, muttering about over-protective fathers who threatened his people to ensure that his mortal half-god son will not die on their watch, especially Arthur and Kaldur. He fiddles with his pen, staring between Arthur and the closed door.

"Anyways, how's Kaldur?" the son of Poseidon asks as he slowly nudges the door open, poking his head out. "I know he's a part of the Young Justice with Tim."

"Ah, so Tim is Robin! Not his biological son," mutters Arthur under his breath. "He has adopted too many children for me to keep track off."

"What?" Percy turns to look at the man, confused. He could barely hear a word what Arthur had said. "Are you talking about Bruce?"

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