Second Phase

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Song Title: Nightcore Runnin

   "Forest of death bla bla scrolls bla bla." I think you know who said that. About halfway through the explanation, Naruto yawned from boredom. I mean, he had heard all this before. His yawn, didn't go unnoticed by Anko, so she threw a kunai at Naruto's cheek.

"Agh, what was that for?!" Naruto screamed.

"You were yawning during my explanation. I hope im not boring you." Anko smiled ever so sweetly at Naruto as she walked over to him.

   "N-no, of-of course not. I-I wa-was just ti-tir-tired from the-the test." Naruto stuttered.

   "Good." Anko placed a hand on his head. That's when Orochi- I mean, a random grass ninja that's not important at all, gave Anko her kunai back by using her tongue.

"The conversation they had in the show." Some random ninja in the crowd said.

"Bla bla finish explaining bla bla." Anko said.


   While preparing for the Forest of Death, Anko approached team seven to give them their scroll, and take the thing they had to sign. They received an Earth scroll.

   'An Earth scroll? Last time we got a Heaven scroll. Strange what can be effected by time travel.' Sasuke thought.

   "Listen, brats. You guys had better not die in there. There seems to be a lot of people here who are aching to kill someone. They might even go searching for people to kill, so be careful." Anko warned.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, we know that already. Besides, we're stronger than you think." Naruto assured.

"I know you guys are strong, but don't fight battles you don't need to." Anko walked off. She knew those three weren't easy to kill off. They were strong, maybe a little too strong for genin who just graduated, but they weren't the strongest ones there. (Bullshit)


   "Let's stop here. There's a jutsu I've been working on, and I want to show you it." Naruto told his two teammates.

   "A new jutsu? Is it like the rasenshuriken?" Sakura asked.

   "No, just watch. It's hard, and takes time to do." Naruto said.

   It took a while, but, eventually, two balls made out of light appeared in front of them. They were tiny, no bigger than a golf ball, but something started forming around those two balls. After they were completely formed, Sakura and Sasuke were staring at the Fourth Hokage and his wife.

"Is that..."

"Reanimation?" Sasuke finished for Sakura.

   "Not exactly. You can't make them do anything you want. With this jutsu, the dead can do anything they want. Even someone who's practiced this for years, would have a hard time restricting the dead." Naruto explained.

"Where did you learn this?" Sakura asked in amazement.

"Scroll of sealings." Naruto admitted.

"So, you can bring back anyone from the dead?" Sasuke was rather curious about this jutsu.

"Ummm... not those who died from our time because..." Naruto turned to his parents and let out a nervous laugh. He forgot everything his parents explained to him. "Why can't I?"

Minato and Kushina let out a sigh before Minato started talking. "When you guys went back in time, so did all the ghosts. When they went back in time, they were forced to merge with their past bodies. Unlike you guys, they don't have control over their bodies. I guess you could say they're asleep, and you can't take them out of their bodies."

   "Is it possible for them to wake up?" Sakura questioned.

   "Yes, but we don't know how to do so. In fact, I believe someone is already awake." Kushina answered.

   "Two people total." Minato added.

   "Really?! Who?!" Naruto exclaimed.

   "I think we'll keep it a surprise." Kushina smirked.

   "Is there something you needed us for?" Minato changed the subject before anyone could complain.

   "Not really, I just wanted to show them my new jutsu." Naruto said.

   "Then we'll take our leave. This takes up a lot of chakra. Even for you." Kushina stated. They disappeared.

"Isn't that great? We can wake everyone up. Get more people on our side!" Naruto grinned.

"It could also mean that Zetsu gets his memories back. If that happens, we're screwed. We won't have the advantage of surprise anymore." Sasuke scowled.

"I guess we should put an end to this as fast as we can, then. We don't have as much time as we thought we did." Sakura sighed.

"I'll tell Shikamaru and Gaara about this." Naruto made two clones sent one to find Gaara and the other to find Shikamaru.

"Let's get the fight with Orochimaru over with. Naruto, can you find him?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, I still have sage mode." Naruto began to draw in Nature chakra, but he wasn't able to finish. The moment he began to draw it in, a huge snake swallowed him and slithered away.

"Never mind, I found him." Sasuke and Sakura turned to where Orochimaru was, not the least bit concerned about Naruto.


A bit shorter than usual, but I figured it was probably the best stopping point. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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