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Song Title: Train To Nowhere Infinity Train

   "I'm gonna be a big brother! I'm gonna be a big brother!" Naruto grinned. He ran towards Iruka and Anko hugging them both.

   "You're not even a little surprised?" Anko asked.

   "Pfft, no. I've lived with you both for a while now and you guys do nothing to hide the lust you both hold. I kinda figured an accidental pregnancy was bound to happen." Iruka hid his face in his hands while Anko just shrugged.

"You know, you still have your first therapy session with Inoichi. I was going to cancel due to the mission you had, but I got a bit side tracked with... you know." Anko pointed to her stomach.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that. What time?" Naruto asked.

"An hour from now." Iruka answered.

"And you didn't cancel? Good thing I came back early, otherwise poor Inoichi would be waiting forever for me to show up." Naruto smirked at Anko.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm so awful. Now get out and eat some lunch. With how early you got up this morning, I doubt you ate breakfast." Anko tossed him her wallet.

"I'm a grown ass man. I can pay for my own food." Naruto tossed the wallet back to her.

"Ah, my bad. I keep forgetting because of how tiny you are, squirt. Not to mention how childish you are." Anko teased.

"It's a side effect from the time travel, ok? Some of my old habits and quirks mixed with my older self, ya know!" Naruto gave out a small sob. Anko only laughed at his misery. Evil.


   "Whenever you asked me to be your therapist, I assumed you actually wanted help." Inoichi say across from Naruto who seemed to be doodling on a piece of paper.

"I did, but things aren't as bad as they were. I'm not having as many nightmares and my anxiety has gone down." Naruto stated.

"And when did this start?"

"Hmmm... I think after Ino gave me my memories back. Of course, when my memories were wiped, I had no idea what my past was, so I didn't remember all the bad parts. That definitely helped calm me down, but I still felt anxious. Like there was something I needed to do."

   "Why do you think things have gotten better?"

   "Well, I can't remember the deaths of those I care about. I mean, I know I saw a lot of them die right in front of me, and I still feel guilt and sorrow over it, but the pictures are gone. Before, I could clearly imagine it. The memories kept me awake at night and haunted my dreams. But now, they're gone and everything I've felt about it has gone down."

   Inoichi felt a surge of pride go through him. He knew his daughter was the reason Naruto felt better. When she was restoring his memories, she purposefully didn't bring those memories back all the way. Now, he can still feel that motivation to keep working and fighting, but it was healthy. The images were gone, but not the feelings. It helped.

   "That's great, Naruto, but I would still like to continue these sessions. As you just stated, you've still got a lot of negative emotions. They'll never go away entirely, but I can help ease the pain."

   "And I'm 100% ok with that. I'd love to... right after I finish this tracking seal."

   "There are plenty of tracking methods-"

   "That are all useless. We've tried every method there is, but they all seem completely useless. Not one has begun to work. Kabuto is smart and powerful. We've always known that, but it seems as though he's stepped up his game."

"No offense, but do you think you're capable of creating one that works?"

"Of course, this is going to be made especially for Kabuto. It'll only work for finding Kabuto even if I tried to find someone else. Of course this is completely theory. It's never been done before, even though several people have attempted this. Even my father, one of the most skilled people to use seals, outside of the Uzumki clan of course."

"If you're still confident in it... that's good I guess. How far along are you?"

"Mmmm..." Naruto scrunched his face and scratched his head with the end of the brush. "Well I've got the out line, but the middle part isn't done. I've narrowed down quit a bit of it. I mean, there's only a few patterns made for tracking, but finding the correct combinations can be tricky, but I'll get it done. I have to. My baby sibling will be here in less than a year and I need to have this world safe for him. Doesn't help when there's so many robberies going on at once. Thieves keep thinking that they have an advantage now that they're from the future. It's just embarrassing."

   "We've had... a few incidents with that too."

   "They could try a million times and still not succeed."

   "Inoichi, Lord Seventh, we need your help. Someone has broken into the Hokage's office and they did something to Lady Fifth." Some random ninja entered the room.

   "Fill us in on the way there." Naruto demanded. He had entered his Hokage mode and it gave Inoichi a healthy amount of fear and respect.

   "I-I don't know what happened. I walked in and... I think it was one of those White Zetsu. They could-" Naruto didn't let him finish.

   "What happened to Tsunade?"

   "It's best if you see it for yourself." Perfectly timed, they threw open the doors to see her 100 healing jutsu activated, but she was on the floor. She would have looked dead except she was breathing heavily.

   "Where's Sakura?" Naruto looked around, but didn't see her. The ninja (let's call her Shuri) looked at Naruto confused. "When something like this happens, you should first get either Tsunade or Sakura."

   "She's in the same situation too?" Shuri asked.

   "Yes, if you didn't know she was the same, how did you know I was?" Naruto brought out a shadow clone and he went to fetch Sakura without a word.

   "No offense, sir, but it's obvious for those who have extra knowledge."

   "Why do you think this is the work of a White Zetsu?" Inoichi asked.

   "There are eye witness reports saying that Iruka had entered the office moments prior to the attack, but there is an entire class of students who claim that Iruka was teaching them the entire time. He had never left."

   "I don't remember them being able to do this." Naruto pointed at Tsunade. "I'm not even close to an expert on this, but it seems as though her mind was messed with. Inoichi, I need you to look at her mind. Hopefully fix her and see if she saw anything."

Sakura appeared in the office with Sasuke. Her hair was already up and she was ready to heal. "Sakura, I need you to help Inoichi. Sasuke, I want you're help with tracking whoever did this. Shuri, you did good."

Shuri blushed before speaking. "Lord Seventh, there's something else you should see. The attacker left a note. I took it with so that no one would take it." She reached into her pouch and grabbed a piece of paper and handed it to Naruto.

You had better watch yourself because you're next, original.

"By "original" I'm guessing he means us plus Gaara and Shikamaru."

So sorry it took forever to update. School (mainly band) has kept me super busy and unfortunately it will continue until the end of marching season. Don't know how much I'll be able to update so just sit tight and have a good day!

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