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Song Title: Rapunzel Ready As I'll Ever Be

   "Naruto, please wake up. You've been asleep for a week already. I'm trying to have faith in you. You always wake up. You always pull through no matter what, so please don't change that. I can't do this without you." Hinata held onto Naruto's hand tightly as she cried. She had expected him to wake up a long time ago.

   Sakura said that sometimes this happens with huge injuries. Chakra can also be used for healing and some people can heal themselves without trying. It's rare, but does happen. Since Naruto is a jinchūriki, Kurama's chakra naturally heals him. It usually doesn't take much chakra, but in scenarios like these, it can take almost all the chakra. They pass out until their chakra's regained. It usually doesn't take long, but Naruto had a but load of chakra so it will take longer to refill. That's why there are chakra infusions, unfortunately Kurama's chakra is different from regular chakra so regular chakra wouldn't work.

"Hinata, you shouldn't worry so much. Sakura said this is perfectly normal." Gaara appeared in the doorway.

"Since when has Naruto done anything normal?"


"When are you going back to Suna?"

"Right now actually. I came to say goodbye. I have been away from home long enough, but when he does wake up and everyone departs from Konaha, notify me. Send me a messenger bird or something. Just don't leave me behind." Gaara pleaded.

"Just because you're in a different village, doesn't mean we'll forget about you. You're one of our precious friends." Hinata assured him.

"Thank you, Hinata. I have one more person to say goodbye to." Gaara had a slight blush on his face.

"Tell Lee I said hi." Hinata winked. Gaara pretty much ran away.


   With little search time, Gaara found Lee. Can you guess what he was doing? Training. At the training field. Gaara approached Lee dreading the goodbye. He would really miss him.

"Lee, I have to talk to you." Lee looked at Gaara confused.

"What is it?"

"I have to leave. I must return to my family at Suna, and I don't know when I will be able to return."

   "It occurred to me that you would be leaving soon, so I prepared for that. I'm coming with you." Lee gave a huge smile.

"But, you live here. The Fifth Hokage would never..."

"She was so youthful! She said that as a leaf ninja I couldn't go, but you are the Kazekage. Someone as wonderful and magnificent like you would need someone to protect you. Someone like me." Lee got mighty close to Gaara's face.

   "She's letting you go?!" Gaara's face lit up.

   "I'm being hired to be your bodyguard. I have strict orders to stick by your side at all times in case something bad were to happen. For instance, if someone looked at your face and saw just how handsome you are and wanted to steal you away. How unyouthful."

   "Ok, you can stop now." Gaara buried his head in Lee's chest out of embarrassment.

"I love you." Lee laughed as he kissed Gaara's hair.


   Ever since the announcement that her father died and Neji would be taking over as clan head until Hanabi comes of age, Hinata never entered the compound. They didn't kick her out, but she didn't want to go back. Iruka and Anko were kind enough to let her stay with them in Naruto's room.

Even with leaving the compound and not coming back for a week, Hinata walked in with confidence. She didn't stop for anyone or anything. The only time she did stop was when she knocked on Hanabi's door. Hanabi said to come in and Hinata did.

"Big Sister! What are you doing here?" Hanabi gave Hinata a hug.

"I was wondering if you wanted to spend the day with me. I don't know how long I'll be in Konoha before I must leave, so I wanted to spend some time with you."

   "So what'll we do first?!"


   "I had fun today." Hanabi giggled.

   "Me too." Hinata kissed her sister's cheek.

"I wish this day could last forever, but I have an important meeting Neji wants me to attend. He's making me sit in on all these boring meetings and such so I can be a good clan head." Hanabi sighed.

"I knew he'd take care of you."

"Yeah, but it's so boring. I can hardly keep awake." Hanabi whined.

"Love you, goodbye." Hinata hinted at her sister to leave and do what she's supposed to do.

   "See ya." Hanabi left and in her place Iruka appeared.

   "Naruto's awake." It was only one sentence, but one sentence had never sent such joy and excitement through Hinata.

   They both rushed to Naruto's room where they saw Anko laughing her ass off and Naruto panicking.

   "It took you this long to realize that?" Anko could barely talk she was laughing so hard.

   "What is it?" Hinata asked.

   "My-my arm! It's gone!" Naruto screamed.

   "Don't you remember? Kabuto cut it off during the attack." Iruka said.

   "I remember, but I thought Sakura would be able to sew it back on." Naruto said.

   "She would have, but as Kabuto left, he took your arm." Hinata said.

"Why? Why did he have to take my arm?!" Naruto was understandably grumpy about the situation.

"You look a little different, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it. I'm stumped." Sasuke walked with a slight smirk.

"How's it going stubs? Tell me if you need anything. I'll be happy to lend you a hand." Konohamaru greeted.

"Hahaha. You guys are so funny and original." Naruto rolled his eyes.

"Knock knock." Konohamaru started.

"Who's there?" Sasuke continued.

"Not Naruto's right hand." Konohamaru laughed.

"Don't you think it's a little too soon for these jokes, ya know?" Naruto glared.

Konohamaru and Sasuke looked at each other. They turned back to Naruto and said, "nah".

"Knock it off you two." Sakura smacked their heads appearing from behind. "I'm happy to see you're finally awake."

   "How long was I asleep for?" Naruto asked.

   "A week."

Naruto turned pale and his stomach did a flip. He didn't even want to think about all the horrible things Kabuto could have done to Menma in that time. He had to get his little brother back.


   Well that's all for this chapter. The book should be coming to an end soon. If everything works out like it's supposed to, which it should considering I'm the author but I also forget everything. There should be three more chapters after this one. I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and a good day. Also I have no idea why the chapter names repeated themselves. I don't know what I was thinking so sorry about that.

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